10 Questions for Western "Civilization" and European-Americans
"That justice is a blind goddess is a fact to which we Blacks are wise; her blindfold hides two festering sores that once, perhaps, were eyes." Langston Hughes
For a number of years, I have sought to confront both European-Americans, and Black People in the United States, with their denial and hypocrisy in matters historic (domestic and international). The purpose of my doing so was an attempt to see if there were patterns in conduct; a pathology. I have tried to do so through different modalities.
The shrewder individuals resort to deflection. Deflection is a tactic that imperils the defense for many, many reasons. Most of all it shows evasion and cowardice.
I’ll let you figure it out, should you be so inclined.
In light of the aforementioned preamble, I have decided to make a more direct challenge to European-Americans and, by default, western civilization with specific questions. Frankly, I know what is going to happen but that is what I want you to see. The only rule I have is that you answer all ten questions; no matter your answers, a pattern will emerge. A pathology.
Pa-thol-o-gy: “pathological features considered collectively; the typical behavior of a disease.”
Dis-ease: “a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms or signs.”
The Interrogatories
The first five (5) interrogatories are pertinent to domestic policy. The second set relevant to international policy. Three or four of the questions have compound subqueries.
Be mindful of the 1965 supreme court case (Warren Court) of Miranda-v-Arizona; from which we get the “Miranda Warning.” I know how much so-called “Americans” adore cop shows, so you should be familiar with its first tenet: you have the right to remain silent. I trust that most of you will exercise that fifth amendment “privilege.” Ergo, you may answer the questions silently, the net result will be the same.
Question # 1. If you claim, as you do, that the enslavement, cultural genocide and dehumanization of Blacks was/is “America’s original sin” and if you claim, as you do, that you “didn’t own slaves,” it was a horrible institution and you did not benefit from it, why do you not as a nation apologize for it (and I will be revisiting this query in a future article)?
Question # 2. Pursuant to the preceding question, why do you so adamantly, and out of hand, reject reparations to the aforementioned group which you, admittedly, kidnapped, exploited, enslaved, raped, murdered and prospered from?
In fact, your entire economic system of “capitalism” is based upon that exploitation, brutality and treachery. Without the Alkebulanian, you don’t have a damned thing. Nothing.
Question # 3. Your currency states: “In God we trust.” Your “Pledge of Allegiance” states: “one nation under God”. You sing songs about God blessing America. Your Bible states: “Thou shalt not kill.” How do you explain the state sanctioned murder of children around the globe (melanic children in particular) and right here in your own backyard; particularly given your incessant invocations of “God”?
Question # 4. If you believe as you claim you do, and pursuant to your “Declaration of Independence” that “all men are created equal” how do you reconcile and explain its exclusion of the Blacks that gave this country its wealth and, even to this very day, are subject to a vehement, virulent racism unbeknownst to any other group of “Americans” and institutionalized by you?
Question #5. Thomas Jefferson stated: “Blacks smell bad,” ”Blacks are ugly,” ”Blacks suffer less deeply,” “whites have flowing hair, a more elegant symmetry of form,” ”Blacks are inferior to whites in both endowments of body and mind.” Abraham Lincoln starkly stated: “I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal.” “We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible, nor desirable.”
I suppose you disagree with the statements of your “forefathers” so, tell me, why do you have monuments, streets, schools and cities named after these moral and spiritual criminals? Further, why do your textbooks leave out these facts? Especially regarding child molester and rapist Thomas Jefferson?
Question # 6. Given your proselytizing around the world, and insisting that you are “a nation of laws,” how do you explain your total disregard for international law with regard to napalm, cluster bombs (which you have just sent to Ukraine), depleted uranium munitions (which you have just sent to Ukraine), chemical and biological warheads, targeting of civilians, drone killings as well as kidnapping and torture (let alone your unconditional support of the rogue, criminal, apartheid state of Israel)?
Question # 7. When you speak of “American Exceptionalism” is it that “exceptionalism” that allows you to be the only nation in the history of the galaxy to drop nuclear weapons (twice) on civilian targets and arrogantly state, in doing so, that you “saved lives?” And, under what circumstances would it be allowable for some other nation, a Non-European nation (which is the vast majority of the world), to use nuclear weapons or “weapons of mass destruction” against you?
Question # 8. Black Lives Matter? Why do you treat the European “victims” of one holocaust differently, much differently, than you do the holocaust of many more millions that were/are Black who died on their involuntary journey to the United States or while in the United States? If His-story is accurate, that holocaust involved, roughly, six million Jews and was perpetrated on Europeans by Europeans; be mindful that Judaism is a religion.
This horrific genocide took place in less than a decade; 400 years equals 40 decades, and the black man, woman and child in the United States is still being executed, both in and out of concentration camps. Yet, no one has come to save them. No alliances, no homeland taken from others so that they could be coddled and protected, no world war, no nothing.
Further, with regard to “the Jews,” if they are truly people that were lost without a “homeland” would not the Black Person in the United States be the greatest example thereof? And what about Black “Jews” (the “Blews,” Eritrean and such) why are they treated so differently (let alone the Palestinians) in Israel? I guess they have the blues.
Coming full circle, why wasn’t the sloganeered, so-called Black Lives Matter “movement” representative of a bunch of liberal European-Americans? Is it not rather amusing, albeit tragically so, that it just disappeared into thin air? No, it is not funny worth a damn as it is to be expected; and was, by other than fools. As Donald Trump would say “it’s central casting.”
One cannot help but adore the word caste, and I trust you will pardon my subtle digression as you so graciously always do.
Question # 9. Why are all of the wars that you constantly engage in and seek out, virtually always, against melanic people?
Question # 10. What is it that makes you, unequivocally the most violent, war mongering nation/people on Earth, demand that others not defend themselves against your violence and reciprocate it? Are you “the chosen ones” or are you just better than everybody else and, thusly, your life has more value?
The Man Will Not Correct Himself, Which Is Why He Can Not Save Himself
Few people have had the courage to openly answer these queries. They are daunting; and like the MMPI they are designed to detect evasion. The pathology will exhibit itself and it can be neither avoided nor evaded, in general terms.
In the words of Grace Paley: “Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage to save the world.” There is something to be admired about intellectual honesty as opposed to intellectual vacancy. The former requires courage, the latter requires a pulse.
So, who among the snowflake respondents has the intellectual courage and honesty that is being challenged? Quite openly, in fact. Because, nothing says coward as loudly as silence. And all can just impress the hell out of me by showing me their grapes and looking inwards…in words.
And, you’d best believe, I am ready for cross examination.
Have you ever really thought about that term; “cross examination?”
Thrill me to bits, and do so; lest you crucify yourself.
I read your ten questions several times and concluded that honest answers could only come from those who acknowledge their responsibility for all the shit that has gone on in the past and continues today. We are here now and dumbass answers like “I didn’t own slaves” or “I wasn’t here then” make you part of a continuing problem. All of those things occurred and continue because we accept them and prove our approval of them by electing boneheads certain to add to the problems.
Here we are preparing to elect another racist rapist. Yes, another one for Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner, racist and rapist. He was chosen instead of a man who was an abolitionist and feminist. Admittedly, he was "elected" after 36 ballots in the House of Representatives. Obviously, this is not a new behavior for us. It was reflected from our beginning and whatever change comes will be difficult for many to swallow.
In some ways, I was lucky. My grandparents were Cuba and Spanish. The Spanish have a poor record related to slavery and Cubans were enslaved for a time. I attended all-white schools and visited many facilities with colored restrooms. I never liked it, but I accepted it. That makes me part of the problem. My luck is that my father was a hardass, a genuine ball buster who no one messed with, and his rage wasn’t reserved for any color. I never heard him use the N word. During my youth, he partnered with a black man who was also in construction. They built many homes together, and they were friends. I don’t mean business convenience friends, but family dinner together friends. Eventually, the partnership broke up, but color was never an issue. Looking back, I realize my father had little concept of race. If you got on his wrong side, there was hell to pay no matter your color.
As a hardass, he naturally raised a hardass and some of the turmoil between us scared some family members and neither of us gave a damn. I went to work with him at age twelve and he was a taskmaster. We had many verbal battles and sometimes work sites cleared because some believed we might come to blows. That never happened, and I learned much from him, but we never discussed anyone’s color or ancestry and those were valuable lessons I still value.
To answer even one of the questions you posed, we need the decency to put race behind us. I would like to believe that’s possible, but as long as we keep celebrating assholes, there’s not much chance.
Sorry I can't cross-examine you. I think you proved your case beyond a shadow of a doubt. But sitting in the jury box, I can provide you with my deliberations.
Question One.
Who (white) did not “horrible institution and you did not benefit from it” except the black man who did not need to be enslaved to “benefit” from slavery, seems he was benefiting himself just fine before he was enslaved.
But to your question the white man benefited from slavery whether he “owned” black men or not, and still benefits today by believing in his superiority—kind of an answer to multiple questions.
Question Two.
Reparations? Reparations must require more than money. More than an apology (q1). It seems to me reparations require a complete transformation and abolition of the apartheid state of mind. Seems to be reparations only will occur when the man (maybe all white men) are imprisoned for that state of mind.
Question Three.
When God is invoked, seems to be that that is an invocation of hunting license against others (especially melanic People.)
Question Four..
All men are created differently but should have equal power as individuals within the state. Nothing creates inequality more than the statement “all men are created equal”.And as for the (supposed) author in the Dec. of Independence q.5 answers he knew he was making stuff up he didn’t believe.
Question Five.
The question unasked why did Thomas Jefferson like to have sex with smelly, ugly black woman?’ Or better he did answer it, black women suffer less deeply than white women when they’re raped. Of course they might have tried to hold in their suffering more because if they led out they had suffered, their child might have had his head placed on the chopping block.
Question Six:
Well I can’t answer that question, but the question answers multiple other questions.In fact all of the questions illustrate the point of the post, don’t they.?
Question Seven.
American Exceptionalism means America Alone Is Excepted from being humane to others,
Question Eight.
Been trying to answer the Jew question for a long time. Maybe it was just to get them the hell out of Europe. Another question is that brown and black skinned Sephardic Jews are the majority of the Israeli Jewish population. Why do we never see their pictures, only ever seen white Israelis. But the their lives really don’t matter anymore than Black Lives Matter in America.
Question Nine.
A little unfair. Europeans have never been overly shy about killing each other, but they do unite in multi-national harmony to kill others not European. The real answer might be that to the European NO Lives Matter, but non-European lives matter even less.
Question Ten.
See responses to question three and question seven. Aren’t the chosen ones, after all, the last one picked when choosing sides” The very ones generally left out of the choosing do have a tendency to view their being left out as their being exceptionally special to god because they are exceptionally unspecial in the eyes of their fellow man, and bring about these questions in the first.
So I have a question of my own, how many fields did the slaveowner plow?
I think you answered that in your post “message to a white man.”
Verdict: Guilty on All Charges.