An Unedited Conversation With a Fellow Author
As is the case with any other endeavor in life, the praise and discourse we most highly value is that of our peers.
One of the greatest gifts writing has provided me is the interaction with other writers. It humbles me and humility is an important element of the human transitioning into a person. It reminds me of when I saw Prince perform during his Purple Rain Tour in the mid 80’s. Up until then, I thought myself a fairly talented guitarist. After seeing that man destroy an axe, I put my guitar away and did not touch it for months because I said to myself: “self, you need to go sell that guitar because you have absolutely no business having it.”
I have been blessed, as it were, to have the acknowledgement, admiration and, sometimes, ire of brilliant writers from the famous to the infamous. I trust I am in the latter category. Not by design, but by fate.
One of those authors is a fellow by the name of Ken Taylor. Mr. Taylor writes and publishes a newsletter called The Unutopian Optimist. I affectionately call him TUO. Over the course of the past year, we have exchanged many thoughts and have developed a mutual respect for one another. Mr. Taylor is an older European-American man with a much different life experience than I have had pursuant to that fact alone, let alone the ancillary facts and issues. Yet, he manages, somehow, to possess an intellectual honesty that is a rare find in a polarized society.
I do not argue emotions, I argue and present facts. As the society exists today, facts are irrelevant. Emotion is king. Now, don’t get me wrong I have absolutely no problem with facts presented with emotion. Were that the case I would become my own prosecutor and executioner. What I do have a problem with are emotions presented without facts.
Today, Mr. Taylor responded to one of my recent articles. Though I rarely publish “comments” and the resultant discourse that ensues, I think that the following merits exception. I have presented this in its raw, unedited form. Remember these are comments and, thusly, were not intended for publication and are replete with whatever typographical, grammatical and other errors may exist. The article referenced is linked here: Fighting Back Change
2 hrs agoLiked by Rohn Kenyatta
An Alkebulanian taking on the sacred Barack Obama? Has there ever caused you discord with other n Alkebulanians?
I read his "kindergarden pablum"; his Dick Jane nonsense called The Audacity of Hope that lacked a single substantive sentence. I decided he had no appeal to me because he lacked any commitment to any idea.
As he was campaigning, an Alkebulanian gentleman knocked on my door to convince me to vote for him. We sat on my doorstep for some hour and half. I guess because I mentioned I had supported Jackson's candidacy in '84, he lingered an abnormally long time to convince me everything in America would be vastly changed only by Barack's election.
When he finally got up, he turned back and gave it a final shot, "He only has to sound empty of proposals to get votes, but he will change everything."
He changed exactly what you describe---he made the lives of Alkebulanians in America a great deal poorer and oppression of Alkebulanian s a great deal more acceptable to E-A's. His election gave rise to the tea party that evolved into the acceptance of Trump.
I don't mean to be terribly unkind to Mr. Obama. He had some very good qualities as a person perhaps, but he was not a good leader and remained subservient to avoidance of controversy with the E-A ideology which opened the door to increased oppression of the Alkebulanians, not because he was Alkebulanian as some have suggested, but because he allowed the E-A's to reignite their supremacy in his attempted compromises.
And so things did change, much for the worse, in my opinion.
In reference to earlier articles, the only equality that matters is equality of power and white supremacy is a confused ignorant understanding of E-A's own loss of that equality.
The ignorance is they (the E-A's without equal power) do not realize the supremacy of any who proclaim it over others is what creates the Hobbesian disorder and continuous struggle to gain power. For most E-A's without any equality of power, white supremacy is the outcome and Barack Obama's attempt at appeasement with the E-A's who did assume supreme power granted them the lever to increase their own superiority and widen the mindlessness of the concept of white supremacy in the unequally powerless E-A's.
In the end was be willing to assume one's own power against this mindlessness, be he E-A or Alkebulanian.
Or maybe I am as wrong as many have told me I am.
39 mins ago· Author
I have, as your given god given supreme intellect has already gathered, caught hell from Black People in the United States as well as European-Americans: and still do.
Why? Because they, in one way or another and as you often point out in your fine writings, are all slaves...but there exists "inequality" even amongst slaves. House niggers versus field niggers, with the lighter ones working in the "house" and the darker left to toil in the fields: variation on a theme more generally applied. Django, redux.
If one really has the intellectual courage to consider the fact, Obama solidified white supremacy in that he was the perfect "two for one." European-Americans could absolve their collective guilt pertinent to their ensconced Anti-Black apartheid system that every single social metric that exists verifies and "feel good" about themselves by deploying, literally, political Blackface. While, simultaneously, knowing that he was/is socially policed by his very Blackface (or, more accurately Beigeface) to not show "favoritism" to Black People in the United States which is why he was the European's candidate. What purpose is lauding a "Black President" if it is verboten for him to do anything for the most marginalized group of people in this so-called country that always have been? In fact, the country was built by them, more so than any other group; yet, they continue with the same level of marginalization.
Ergo, it was all smoke and mirrors, Chitlin' Circuit, window-dressing, whitey engineered horseshit JUST LIKE Kamala Harris. Nothing, NOTHING will improve for Black People in the United States under Kamala Harris. In fact, it will get worse. I live in California, I have met Ms. Harris. You can't tell me a damn thing about that vicious and "transactional" broad.
I do not write to appease anyone. I am not a “voice for the voiceless” as I have no such lofty desires. I am ears for the deaf. I will get the usual unsubscriptions and righteous indignation (which matter not because this publication continues to grow). The people that support my work are intellectually strong enough and have the cognitive confidence to read it in the first place. I can already see and vicariously hear the indictments from “he used the word broad, so he’s a sexist.” I am a man with three children all of whom are gorgeous Black Women in the United States but the same self-righteous M.F.’s would not bat an eye if I used the colloquialism “dude.”
Que sera, sera.
So what are we to do?
Certainly we must prevent that MF Trump from retaking the presidency.
Wow? your words are breathtaking! I'm going have to look up some of them in my college dictionary to fully understand the truth you've put forth here today. Food for thought, Thank You.