Dr. Heron was, and remains, one of the Black Men in the United States that has formed me as a human, a person and a man. At the top of this list is, of course, my father. But, there are others: My two uncles (Earl and June), Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Nat Turner, Ralph Ellison, Langston Hughes and a few more that dispel the myth of the pathetic, subservient weak-assed Black Man in the United States.
Since it is “Black History Month” (BHM, and I could take creative license with that abbreviation; but I will not), I intend to keenly focus on same. And, like Frank Sinatra, I’ll do “It My Way.” Pursuant to same, what you will hear is a recital of one of Dr. Heron’s seminal poems, interpreted by me three years ago. I hope you enjoy it and reflect.
Your voice is an important one.