There are those that have compared Trump to Germany's Hitler but there are frightening parallels between Trump and another home-grown European-American maniacal monster.
As a child, I have always loved radio, and it is the case to this day. I remember saving Blue Chip stamps so I could buy a little red transistor radio about the size of a wallet. I loved that thing. So much so, I would place it under my pillow at night and listen. Not to music, but to the news as music fidelity mortally suffers in amplitude modulation (especially on a transistor platform).
I was about seven when I redeemed the stamps for that little radio. Other than my dog, it was often the only company I had. Eight years later as I entered college, I no longer had the little red transistor radio, I had graduated to a more sophisticated form of reception but that habit remained the same; just as it does today. The radio was always on and tuned to the news.
It was late November and I had spent most of the night being intimate with a blue book that was to be turned in that morning. I didn’t complete my essay until about 0400 hours and my first class met at 0830. I was exhausted and needed a couple of hours rest. I’d just dozed when a headline was announced that made the hair stand up on my head (and believe me when I tell you I had very long hair back then, a far cry from the military school, squared away, spit and polished youngster I had been most of my life).
The reporter announced “the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act not due to war.” That statement remains true to this very day. Then came the horrific details of how a sick ideological and religious demagogue murdered 918 people. Though initial reports said it was a “mass suicide,” that is a spurious technical argument at its very, very best.
More than two thirds of the victims were Black People from the United States trying to escape the brutality and Anti-Black racism of the United States. The devilish demagogue referenced was a Nazi loving, drugged out pervert white boy named Jim Jones. The place was called Jonestown, located in the small South American country of Guyana. They called it Jonestown, named after their leader in a similar fashion to Washington, D.C. I have never completely recovered from the experience and horror of that morning.
“It’s Morning Again in America”
Pursuant to how deeply affected I was that morning by the unfathomable tragedy of Jonestown I have spent years studying it from all angles, but never in the forensic manner that I have in the past 48 hours. I can’t imagine that there is anyone reading this article that is not somewhat familiar with the massacre. Therefore, I will not go into the history of what occurred, per se.
This is an examination of how it occurred. The ominous, inauspicious and menacing similarities between Jim Jones and his followers…and Donald Trump and his. When I previously stated that I had never studied the event in the manner in which I have here, it is simply because there was no one to compare Jim Jones to other than his hero Adolph Hitler; now there is. If you are not disturbed at the conclusion of this reading, either I have failed miserably as a journalist or your air-supply has been extinguished and you are brain dead.
It is also likely your heart has stopped beating.
Trumptown’s Progenitor: Jonestown
Were he alive today, Reverend James “Jim” Warren Jones would be 93 years old which makes him Donald Trump’s senior by 15 years. Jim Jones, however, was light years ahead of Trump in terms of his acumen in demagoguery, mind control and sociopathy. Reverend Jim Jones was 47 when the Earth removed the stain that was he and, at 47, he ran circles around the 78 year-old Donald Trump of today. I’ll leave it to you to ponder any significance that might have if you are so inclined to accept my mind-toy.
Whether one believes in the concept of reincarnation or not, the two men share many troubling similarities consistent with the ilk from which they are manufactured. It is hardly a compliment but, like it or not, all have been evil idiot savants, if not outright geniuses. How deeply they are disturbed is a matter of interpretation and perspective. Lucifer was also a genius known as: The Morning Star.
Loyalty and The Oath Keepers
As a child, Jim Jones idolized Adolph Hitler. When he was with his cousins and other children, he would have them act as stormtroopers while he played Hitler. He absolutely idolized the man. Just as Donald Trump does.
Members of Hitler’s SS swore a personal oath of loyalty to Hitler. He demanded loyalty. There were several oaths with slight variations depending on region but, essentially, they all contained these words: “I swear to the leader, Adolf Hitler, as the supreme commander of the German armed forces, loyalty, and bravery. I pledge the leader and those superiors appointed by him, obedience until death.” I’ll be damned if I pledge allegiance to the flag, or anything else other than my children and my dog.
Homicidal maniac and demagogue Reverend Jim Jones went a step further. Jones forced his followers to prove their loyalty by signing blank pieces of paper, blank power-of-attorney forms, false confessions that they had molested their children, conspired to overthrow the U. S. government, and committed other crimes while members of the cult. In fact, he allegedly once tricked a member into putting her fingerprints on a gun and told her he would have someone killed with it and frame her for the murder if she ever left the group.
He would hold what can only be described as dress-rehearsals to test the loyalty of his followers by having them drink the proverbial Kool-Aid (which is the origin of the phrase, even though it was actually Flavor-Aid). He would then tell them that it was poison and they were going to die in minutes. After the screaming, fainting and wailing of his followers he would then expectorate a maniacal laugh and tell them he was just testing their “loyalty.” Like the Fuhrer, he demanded that his followers refer to him as Father; not unlike Catholic priests.
At a rally in March of 2016, held in Orlando, Florida, Donald Trump said to tens of thousands of his followers “Let’s do a pledge. Who likes me in this room? I’ve never done this before. Can I have a pledge? A swearing? Raise your right hand.” He then had the audience repeat after him: “I do solemnly swear that I, no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there are hurricanes or whatever, will vote on or before the 12th for Donald J. Trump for President. Now I know. Don’t forget you all raised your hands. You swore. Bad things happen if you don’t live up to what you just did.”
The crowd exploded into cheers that bordered on pandemonium.
During the first weeks of 1933, members of the Nazi paramilitary formation, the SS, took to the streets to brutalize or arrest political opponents and incarcerate them in hastily established detention centers and concentration camps. Nazi thugs broke into opposing political party offices, destroying printing presses and newspapers. Hitler despised the press and would have adored Trump’s “fake news” mantra. Actually, in all candor, it’s more like "no news” as the media has been totally gutted and corrupted.
Reverend Jim Jones also hated the media just like his ideological predecessor (Hitler) and his ideological descendent (Trump). Jones despised them because of his fear of being exposed as the sick bastard he was and sought to intimidate the media and, like Hitler and Trump, was fairly successful in doing so. He disallowed any form of outside communication to or from his followers; telephones, televisions, radios, magazines and newspapers were verboten in Jonestown. The only information they were allowed to receive came from him. In typical white supremacist fashion he had to control the narrative. Even if it meant eliminating those that were noncompliant.
Paranoia and Racism
In a 2007 DSM-IV Assessment of Adolf Hitler by Dr. Frederick L. Coolidge from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs entitled Understanding Madmen, Dr. Coolidge made the following post mortem observations.
“The main hypothesis was that Hitler would have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoid type. Although it was not his highest Axis I elevation, the mean consensus T score for the Schizophrenia scale was nearly two standard deviations above the normative mean. Hitler’s clinical elevations on the Psychotic Thinking and Paranoid scales also support this diagnosis. It could, of course, be questioned whether someone with a schizophrenic disorder could rise to such a high position of power and control of others, given that schizophrenia is generally such a debilitating disease, particularly socially and occupationally. However, there are other documented cases of murderous schizophrenic persons who have had extraordinary influence on groups of others (e.g., Charles Manson, James Jones, etc.)” Madmen
Reverend Jim Jones was paranoid to the point of debilitation and that debilitation was quantitatively amplified by his delusions of grandeur, white supremacist instincts, sexual perversion and heavy drug use. Four years ago, in a stunning article published by Rolling Stone, author David Chiu provides a masterful and chilling chronicle of Jonestown. Jonestown Massacre Revisited
Donald Trump is totally paranoid; perhaps for good reason, perhaps not. Trump’s paranoia is reflected in the vitriolic comments he has made about a range of perceived enemies, including Democrats, Republicans (members of his own party), geopolitical allies, the intelligence community, the news media, Black People in the United States (aka “thugs”) and immigrants. The Paranoid Dangerous Psycho
In defense of these three psychopaths famous author Joseph Heller, of Catch-22 fame, once stated: “Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.”
Obsessed with race and the idea of ethnic “purity,” Hitler saw a natural order that placed the so-called “Aryan race” at the top. In fact it was this unshakeable belief that drove government policy during the Third Reich. Juxtapose this with Trump’s “woke” dogma and his proposals to use the government to abolish anything that runs counter to white supremacy; from books to looks. Which, as far as I am concerned, is already the case as it has always been the case.
However, Trump vows to intensify the status quo by criminalizing and persecuting any modicum of non-white supremacist thought, let alone action. Which means to the oven I am destined. Further, he promises to use the primary implement of U.S. apartheid and racial oppression, the police, to codify his racist mindset.
This is evidenced in statements like the one he made during a speech to law enforcement officers telling them, pertinent to suspects “…and when you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon — you just see them thrown in, rough — I said, please don’t be too nice. (Laughter.) Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody — don’t hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay? I am also going to indemnify our police officers. This is a big thing, and it’s a brand new thing, and I think it’s so important. I’m going to indemnify, through the federal government, all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions against crime.” Copxtortion
Jim Jones donned the facade of an “integrationist” which was clearly subterfuge used on vulnerable, injured by society, ignorant, often elderly Black People in the United States. He ripped them off, he brutalized, subjugated and raped them. He weaponized the very racist apartheid society that those like him designed and perpetuate to enrich himself. Then, he murdered them. In fact, that M.F was the worst kind of European-American, murderous, white supremacist inbred vermin. In a rare recording, listen to this “integrationist” man of God (more like Dog). Jim Jones Trump’s Other Vile Father
White Knight’s White Night, Nite Nite
Given their racist, white supremacist, paranoid worldview Hitler, Jones and Trump are the Three Musketeers. They are White Knights. Hitler had his Night of Long Knives. In May of 2020, Secret Service agents rushed President Donald Trump to a White House bunker on a Friday night as hundreds of protesters gathered outside the executive mansion, some of them throwing rocks and tugging at police barricades. Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker.
Jim Jones conducted homicidal dress-rehearsals that were called “white night.” Air-raid type sirens would blare throughout the compound at any hour of the night and his followers were mandated to report to “the pavilion.” There, his exhortations of impending doom and invaders would be employed. They were a drill, a practice session; until November 18, 1978, when it was not a drill…it was for real.
Was what the world witnessed on January 6, 2021 a “white night” practice run? Are Trump’s followers and cult members ready to lay down their lives and take the lives of others at his behest? If January 6th, 2021 and the crazed fervor at his rallies are any indication, the answer is lethally affirmative. Frankly, I think it destined.
Sleep Forever
“All we're doing is laying down our lives. We're not letting them take our lives. We're laying down our lives. Peace in their lives. They just want peace. All they are doing is taking a drink. They take it to go to sleep. That's what death is, sleep. —I'm tired of it all.” These are the last known words of Jim Jones.
As I have spent the past 48 hours writing this piece, there are many times I have had to walk away from it. I have remained stoic and unemotional throughout the research, writing and editing process. Now, as I come to the conclusion of this disquisition, I realize what it has taken out of me. What it has cost my heart, my mind, my spirit and my soul. One thing it has made clear to me is that anytime Black People “follow” a white man, they are going to get injured whether it be Hitler, Jones, Trump, Dahmer, Manson, or the fake white Jesus. Take it for what it’s worth.
What finally broke me down was knowing that authorities knew what Jim Jones was up to. They knew he was dangerous and, to this day, what really happened at Jonestown has been swept under the proverbial rug. Because he killed a bunch of Black People and black lives do not matter. Had that been a Black preacher that had done the same thing to almost a thousand European-Americans, history would be different.
Jim Jones hung out with Rosalynn Carter, Walter Mondale, Willie Brown, Mayor Moscone, Diane Feinstein and Governor Brown. Police agencies from Indiana, to Oakland, to San Francisco, to Los Angeles to the Federal Bureau of Investigation had Jones on their radar but they did not care. Like Trump, Jones was politically connected as well as powerfully intimidating and as one politician stated in a linguistically terrifying irony “he can deliver bodies” (referring to votes). And, just as is the case with Trump, those politicians sold their souls to the devil.
I cannot leave this article without mentioning California Congressman Leo Ryan. I am impressed by only two things in people: intellect and courage. Congressman Ryan was a profile in courage. He went to Jonestown despite the prevailing politics because he knew something was afoot. After he identified all of those that chose to leave, he departed with them along with the NBC News crew. When he got to the airstrip, he made sure all of the passengers boarded before he did. He was shot to death on the airstrip.
There was so much political corruption and compromise going on with Jim Jones and the politicians that he bought and paid for (including some he allegedly “had dirt” on), I often wonder if he actually died at Jonestown. One of the most horrific incidents in human history and all that came from it was a sick joke: don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Unfortunately, for the United States, I think it already has.
I too remember saving Blue Chip
stamps as a child! I thank you always for your posts. As an older white women who grew up
In DC my daddy took me to hear MLK in 1963. I was 8 yrs old and it changed my life. I wish that all people could remember we are created equal!
After all we are just skin and bones. Once the skin is gone? We are all equally. Bones
Kenyatta, thank you for such an excellent post. I hope everyone reads it and learns from it and hopefully we will stop Trump from claiming the White House again.