Dick Cheney endorsed Harris because he knows that she will support Forever War, especially the Ukraine War, while Trump would at least end that one. Anyone who thinks Dick Cheney gives a shit about the Constitution is delusional.

The Democratic Party's journey to the dark side is now complete. There is zero hope there, unless you LIKE Forever War as much as Dick Cheney does.

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14Author

Outstanding comment.

Conversely, Trump would likely escalate support for the genocide in Palestine with his buddy Nut-and-yahoo. However, that is a duopolistic consistency and I surmise that in the unlikely event that Harris does become president that she would be less significantly the "first female person of color" to become president, than she would be the first Zionist of color to become president.

It's the same shit with a different smell, always.

Truth be brutally told.

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indeed. nonsense on stilts

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Sep 14Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Racism is the cornerstone of U.S. society and politics. Especially Anti-Blackism. Donald Trump exemplifies and satiates this societal reality. It is powerful and it is virulent. Failure to acknowledge it is the turnpike to perdition.

Powerful conviction.

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::This political merging may or may not prove to be a double-edged sword, but it might be an Achilles heel.


More to your point (and keeping the pointy object metaphor going), I believe they did back when the Democratic Party embraced Clinton NeoLiberalism—as opposed to the somewhat more humane variety Jimmy Carter started with, foolishly believing that we exported our manufacturing to China we could export our publicly-stated democratic principles as well. What happened instead was we got Tiananmen Square and Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, two Nixon/Reagan Republicans with "D"s after their name, who claimed to be ::I don't know if I have the strength for this:: "Black" while attacking activist Blacks so as to comfort the bigoted Suthrin' folk who were their base!

::The difference between a Northern Bigot and a Suthrin' one is that Northerners will mumble racist slurs behind their hands so as not to get frowned at, while Suthrin' ones will wrap themselves in a Confederate Flag and bellow them off the rooftops!::

Since the Republican Party, who used to be all "Better Dead Than Red!" and flag-waving militaristic, has discovered their deep-seated love for brutal dictators like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban (Trump isn't unique, he's just saying the quiet part out loud), the Democrats are suddenly embracing Cold War Liberalism at its Coldest. That's good when it means we're sending aid to The Ukraine to humiliate Trump's mancrush Putin (which I consider an act of grace in its own right)... and not at all good when we're continuing to prop up Netanyahu's genocide of Palestinians with no more pushback than a softly reproving, "Don't...stop...."

I think that, so long as the Clintons (who yes, I've really truly come to hate—especially "I Gave You President Trump, No Need To Thank Me!" Hillary!) are no longer a factor in the Democratic Party, the two parties aren't going to...merge, exactly, as much as they're going to switch places. I would love it if the Dixiecrat Republican Party just died a horrible death, because then the Democratic Party could be the Center-Right party it's wanted to be for the last forty years, and a true Progressive Party could rise to take over the Left...but I suspect that's just wishful thinking on my part.

For now, I'm just watching Far Right anti-Trump Republicans swallow their pride and saying they're voting for Kamala Harris (whether they actually do or not!) with more amused contempt than anything else—because you assholes MADE your bed decades ago when you supported that Dancing Monkey Ronald Reagan.

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RemovedSep 14
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THAT's the Hill you're dying on? That Putin's "de-Nazifying" The Ukraine?

Sadly, I not only admire your commitment to your particular kind of stupidity, I understand it far too well....

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::Have you noticed that when you get on an elevator in a high rise structure the floors jump from 12 to 14? Or, alternatively, what is actually floor number 13 is called the Garden, Roof or Promenade floor (or some other innocuous term)?::

Apropos of nothing substantive, Rohn, when I was writing radio drama back in the 1980s (yes, it still existed, at least on NPR and some of the smaller federated outfits), I floated the idea of an original suspense/horror anthology series called THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (which was later the name of a movie, so clearly I wasn't the only person with that idea!).

The opening title would have had our (late) resident announcer intoning, "Tenth Floor...Eleventh Floor...Twelfth Floor...." over the sound of an old manual elevator (presumably, the one the building our studio was in had) operating, then it would stop and the door would be slid open as he said "All Off For...The Thirteenth Floor!" with a dramatic music sting! After that he was to announce the (usually fifteen-minute) shorts we'd already done or would write for the series, with the leads' and writer/director's names listed....

That idea wasn't used because NPR, who we sold the series to (for very little money, of which only the producers saw any!), wanted to incorporate the radio dramas into their NPR THEATER weekly show that was on then.

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Quite interesting.

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Good info. We agree; I've been labeling it as MSNBC working to form a new parry that takes the so-called middle from each side - which will result in strangely aligned leftovers. Kamala's leadership, as president, will be pivotal to how that plays out.

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Yes war mongering and speech restrictions sure are tepid middle stuff aren't they? You are correct that the hard right and literal communists will have to form an anti-establishment popular front if a Harris administration tries to end The Bill of Rights as I suspect her handlers want.

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