And I wasn't content, more of a malcontent. Think long and hard about my statement about Purchasing and "money, honey, flowed like wine." It was Sodom and Gomorrah. That's all I dare divulge and thank Allah (or who the hell ever) for a statute of limitations.
In general, this is such a strange distorted time , I would be hesitant to pass any final judgment or irrevocable action that wasn’t absolutely necessary.
For example, we country folk aren’t voting or polling or something correctly, apparently that’s “rage.”
Everything ends as it began and try though one might, you can't get grapes from a turd tree. Prepare thyself for one humongous shit-sandwich. This genocidal so-called "country" you Europeans conjured up by exploiting the world's majority is about to bite you dead in the ass. And, on that front, I could not be happier.
Why thank you, mate. However, today is not about me, 'tis about a thing much more ominous (if one can imagine such).
Like I said in this piece: "shit gets dark tomorrow...real dark."
In about two hours you will find clarity.
Thank you for your support!
Happy birthday!!
Thank you, brother Scott.
You're welcome!
I'm trying to imagine you, all cozy and content, in the heart of Corporate America....
::HEAD EXPLODES! (the NSFW version)
Nope, can't do it, man.
Thank you for sharing your experiences working with Mattel, and some idea of just how huge they are and what else they do.
Oh, it was horrific.
Most of the stuff unsuitable for publication.
And I wasn't content, more of a malcontent. Think long and hard about my statement about Purchasing and "money, honey, flowed like wine." It was Sodom and Gomorrah. That's all I dare divulge and thank Allah (or who the hell ever) for a statute of limitations.
The address wasn't 5150 by accident.
::"money, honey, flowed like wine." It was Sodom and Gomorrah.::
Ah, yes—The Eighties! When so much of America gave up any pretense of idealism in the pursuit of money, kinky (but safe) sex, and cocaine!
Not that I would ever mention doing cocaine around a former LEO.... ::cough!::
"That's all I dare divulge."
Yea! You got it. That's corporate America to a T from my experience. I'm sure Barbie could bust some huevos. Great article with added lol.
Happy birthday!
The B vs N is interesting.
Thrill me with an explanation to your somewhat cryptic comment.
Black not Negro.
As previously stated "a distinction and the starkest of differences."
One day, I will explain further...perhaps.
Thank you for the clarification and it is to your credit that you observed the nuance. I am duly impressed.
In general, this is such a strange distorted time , I would be hesitant to pass any final judgment or irrevocable action that wasn’t absolutely necessary.
For example, we country folk aren’t voting or polling or something correctly, apparently that’s “rage.”
It’s so wearying to keep up,
Perhaps we’ve just dropped out of the status rat race, as opposed to being actual Nazis, or Vampires, or whatever we’re supposed to be…
Guess I'm one, too, mate.
It’s such work keeping up!
Either current things, things mind you strivers-of-diverse-causes
XOR (exclusive or)
NaziCannibalRacistRapistZombieWerewolfen Strip malls CoalMiningUndergroundChuds…
All we wanted was quiet, sigh…
Everything ends as it began and try though one might, you can't get grapes from a turd tree. Prepare thyself for one humongous shit-sandwich. This genocidal so-called "country" you Europeans conjured up by exploiting the world's majority is about to bite you dead in the ass. And, on that front, I could not be happier.
Don't shoot the messenger ( I shoot back).