For reasons beyond my paltry understanding the condensed hyperlink for the Chinese detergent ad did not properly execute. Forgive me. Here is the link.
::The “white meat” and most tasteless, by the by, of the humble “barnyard-pimp,” the gospel bird, the gallus gallus domesticus (chicken) is considered superior to its more tasteful darker meat. ::
Reading this I was thinking of an early SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE episode where Chevy Chase is a Human Resources Manager giving potential hiree Richard Pryor a word association test...and you can guess where this went. The best/worst part was where the very Preppy, WASP-y Chase drops the N Word, and Pryor stands up, pulls out a switchblade, and yells "DEAD HONKY!"
Yeah—when I was in college in the 1970s that seemed really smart, and getting in the very White guy in a suit's face. Chevy Chase played an WASP Asshole so convincingly (wonder why?) that you were on Richard Pryor's side the whole time, even college-age White kids like me.
And plays to White people's fears of angry Black people resorting to violence, doesn't it? Which is strange when you look at footage from Charlottesville and the Capitol on January 6th, and remember those same Capitol Police who didn't realize the White People with the Trump flags and nooses weren't just being symbolic, and even took selfies with some of them! OTOH, they had no problem on June 2nd of 2020 calling out the National Guard to intimidate a Black Lives Matter protest on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of George Floyd's death at the hands of police, and used tear gas and mass arrests to chase them off when they didn't go away:
Additionally, Semitic languages, that my ancestors spoke, existed long before the cave dwellers from Europe that spoke the dead language of "Latin" of which I am quite proficient. And in those languages, there was not a word for the, as you put it, "color " Negro; for there was, obviously, no need. Dare not get on this thread and provide me a dissertation on linguistics. This is my world, my perspective and, thusly, my narrative, albeit imprisoned by your language.
Further "race" IS a European construct and even most European's know that (though they fail to acknowledge the self-incriminating fact).
The world needs to know because dog whistling to fellow white supremacists while pretending to be thoughtful and pragmatic is rampant in the world we live in. Privileged people in America are waking up to the fact that they have been duped into furthering the goals of the confederacy. Birtherism my ass.
I'm waking up. But having spent my life in white, suburban enclaves in 2 majority white states, I honestly need an education. That's why I'm so glad to have discovered your newsletter. It was possibly restacked by Chandra. Your life experiences are shocking to me and are a wake up call. Sad but true. White privilege doesn't have a clue how blind it is but that doesn't necessarily mean braindead. Obtuse yes. But still capable of learning.
As time wears on, I am finding that I am much less a reluctant writer than I am a more reluctant teacher and the best teachers, by definition, must be even better students.
Be aware, Mr. Dobbertin, that my maternal great grandmother was Choctaw and though I appreciate the spirit in which your comment is made it is, nonetheless, a false equivalency. I absolutely admire my Original American relatives; however, the terms you mentioned have no where near the prominence of the endless Blacksults and, most certainly, are no where near the horrific slur of "nigger." In fact, the terms you mention are almost extinct.
Thank you for your comment and being a subscriber to LookingNWords.
This newsletter is called LookingNWords (inwards, in words), thusly, I control the narrative. Though it was not my intent to offend you and I responded to your comment (which I rarely do) in a considerate manner you, clearly, took umbrage (which is one of the reasons, among others, I do not respond to most comments unless they are trusted subscribers).
I need not "see things that are not there" given white supremacy is ubiquitous. I need not see ghosts, including the ones wearing white pajamas and pillow cases on their heads or badges on their chests. I admonish you once, and only once, to not pollute my threads with insults. LookingNWords welcomes all feedback relative to the contents and facts. Anyone that intends to use this platform to attack me should be aware that I do not get into pissing contests with skunks.
Pertinent to your pontification "Do you really believe your cause is more significant than the fate of tens of millions of people whose cultures were here for thousands of years?". I answer affirmatively and would remind you that the first humans were Alkebulanians; my ancestors...and yours. Even my Original American ancestors acknowledge this fact. To put forth a paternalistic assertion, on my newsletter, that chides me about "cultures were here for thousands of years" would be indicative being incognizant of the FACT that my ancestors were the alpha of humanity. And though it may be, albeit disappointingly, a surprise you will also find that my ancestors are also the omega of humanity.
If you can point to another group of people, on planet earth, that have had the things done to them that Black People in the United States have please exploit this opportunity to announce this unknown fact to the world. You don't know what my life experiences have been and if you did you'd , likely, not believe them after you finished vomiting.
Feel free to unsubscribe, I dare not take it personally.
For reasons beyond my paltry understanding the condensed hyperlink for the Chinese detergent ad did not properly execute. Forgive me. Here is the link.
::The “white meat” and most tasteless, by the by, of the humble “barnyard-pimp,” the gospel bird, the gallus gallus domesticus (chicken) is considered superior to its more tasteful darker meat. ::
The Deuce, You Say!
Hey, I've always liked dark meat.
Reading this I was thinking of an early SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE episode where Chevy Chase is a Human Resources Manager giving potential hiree Richard Pryor a word association test...and you can guess where this went. The best/worst part was where the very Preppy, WASP-y Chase drops the N Word, and Pryor stands up, pulls out a switchblade, and yells "DEAD HONKY!"
Yeah—when I was in college in the 1970s that seemed really smart, and getting in the very White guy in a suit's face. Chevy Chase played an WASP Asshole so convincingly (wonder why?) that you were on Richard Pryor's side the whole time, even college-age White kids like me.
And plays to White people's fears of angry Black people resorting to violence, doesn't it? Which is strange when you look at footage from Charlottesville and the Capitol on January 6th, and remember those same Capitol Police who didn't realize the White People with the Trump flags and nooses weren't just being symbolic, and even took selfies with some of them! OTOH, they had no problem on June 2nd of 2020 calling out the National Guard to intimidate a Black Lives Matter protest on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of George Floyd's death at the hands of police, and used tear gas and mass arrests to chase them off when they didn't go away:
"our own black slaves."
Who is "our?"
I beg your pardon, Sir.
Additionally, Semitic languages, that my ancestors spoke, existed long before the cave dwellers from Europe that spoke the dead language of "Latin" of which I am quite proficient. And in those languages, there was not a word for the, as you put it, "color " Negro; for there was, obviously, no need. Dare not get on this thread and provide me a dissertation on linguistics. This is my world, my perspective and, thusly, my narrative, albeit imprisoned by your language.
Further "race" IS a European construct and even most European's know that (though they fail to acknowledge the self-incriminating fact).
The world needs to know because dog whistling to fellow white supremacists while pretending to be thoughtful and pragmatic is rampant in the world we live in. Privileged people in America are waking up to the fact that they have been duped into furthering the goals of the confederacy. Birtherism my ass.
I'm not so confident that anyone is "waking up," Jo.
I suspect that they are merely sleepwalking.
I'm waking up. But having spent my life in white, suburban enclaves in 2 majority white states, I honestly need an education. That's why I'm so glad to have discovered your newsletter. It was possibly restacked by Chandra. Your life experiences are shocking to me and are a wake up call. Sad but true. White privilege doesn't have a clue how blind it is but that doesn't necessarily mean braindead. Obtuse yes. But still capable of learning.
You are evidence of that which you proffer.
As time wears on, I am finding that I am much less a reluctant writer than I am a more reluctant teacher and the best teachers, by definition, must be even better students.
Your writing is really good. Passionate, enlightening, timely. Many thanks for sharing your life.
Aw shux.
Nonetheless, flattery will get you nowhere🤣
Be aware, Mr. Dobbertin, that my maternal great grandmother was Choctaw and though I appreciate the spirit in which your comment is made it is, nonetheless, a false equivalency. I absolutely admire my Original American relatives; however, the terms you mentioned have no where near the prominence of the endless Blacksults and, most certainly, are no where near the horrific slur of "nigger." In fact, the terms you mention are almost extinct.
Thank you for your comment and being a subscriber to LookingNWords.
This newsletter is called LookingNWords (inwards, in words), thusly, I control the narrative. Though it was not my intent to offend you and I responded to your comment (which I rarely do) in a considerate manner you, clearly, took umbrage (which is one of the reasons, among others, I do not respond to most comments unless they are trusted subscribers).
I need not "see things that are not there" given white supremacy is ubiquitous. I need not see ghosts, including the ones wearing white pajamas and pillow cases on their heads or badges on their chests. I admonish you once, and only once, to not pollute my threads with insults. LookingNWords welcomes all feedback relative to the contents and facts. Anyone that intends to use this platform to attack me should be aware that I do not get into pissing contests with skunks.
Pertinent to your pontification "Do you really believe your cause is more significant than the fate of tens of millions of people whose cultures were here for thousands of years?". I answer affirmatively and would remind you that the first humans were Alkebulanians; my ancestors...and yours. Even my Original American ancestors acknowledge this fact. To put forth a paternalistic assertion, on my newsletter, that chides me about "cultures were here for thousands of years" would be indicative being incognizant of the FACT that my ancestors were the alpha of humanity. And though it may be, albeit disappointingly, a surprise you will also find that my ancestors are also the omega of humanity.
If you can point to another group of people, on planet earth, that have had the things done to them that Black People in the United States have please exploit this opportunity to announce this unknown fact to the world. You don't know what my life experiences have been and if you did you'd , likely, not believe them after you finished vomiting.
Feel free to unsubscribe, I dare not take it personally.
I never do.