I have found myself rereading this over and over. I don't know if war can become civil, cold or hot, but it must be possible at least that the oxymoronic concept dominates our uncivilities, or so it seems we believe we can fight each other in a civil manner as long as the civil war is premised on being very uncivil. Your article, while not quite stating it that way, nevertheless leads me to believe you are telling us our uncivility is itself the war and it's never been to civil.

More and more I fear that civil government and civilization dehumanized civility out of all possible civility and the minds we lost in the process of becoming civilized might have been the real first casualties...to losing our civility.

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"...leads me to believe you are telling us our uncivility is itself the war and it's never been to civil."


Yahtzee AND Mazzeltov!

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Another brilliant essay in which you challenge what I thought I knew, teach truth I might never have learned otherwise, and inspire me to seek out more education. Thank you.

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You had best believe the honor belongs to me for having your readership.

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Once again you make me stop and think.

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That would indicate to me that I am not entirely useless and I thank you, Parke, for LookingNWords.

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You are not by any possible stretch of the imagination entirely or even slightly useless.

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Unless the nose counts as two, most of us start with six holes in the head, two of which might be counted as spares, but all of them useful for pursuing the project of becoming human.

America began in violence, which continues unpaused, as you say. Yep. So what now, man?

Step back from the place and time. Watch human history unfold. Anywhere you like, any time you choose. Sure, there are some bright spots. But the history of human civilization worldwide is an unbroken river of violence whose turning points are marked by huge pyramids of human skulls. If this is so, and it certainly is, what may a man of goodwill do, but examine himself for the seeds of this violence, and temper their growth in his own mind and heart?

I’ve tried voting against the vampires who thrive on our blood. Turns out all the candidates who aren’t vampires are vampire thralls. They are a lot better at violence than I’d ever wanna be, so I won’t be taking the Luigi route.

Because I am inclined to cooperation and brotherhood, I am much better than the vampire class at self observation, introspection, and to be blunt, becoming human. That’s my strength, so that’s my focus.

Do I understand that I have been taught to fear and despise others for stupid reasons? Sure. Do I see that the whole setup on this continent is designed to scapegoat folks with visible Alkebulanian heritage? That would be a funny question, if the answer was not covered in so much blood and guts. Of all the scary smart things our American vampire families have done to make cattle of us all, taking advantage of that visible marker has proven to be the most brilliant.

Here’s what I’m writing about:

The government, the business world, the institutions, the charities, the academic world, the churches— every single organization arranged hierarchically —they all exist to funnel our lives and blood into the parasite class. Every hierarchy ever made is a piece of the cattle chute leading to the abattoir.

Let me preach this to those who will not hear it, please. If the Jesus who walked with prostitutes and thieves saw the Roman Catholic church or the Southern Baptist Conference, he would heave his lunch and never stop puking. He would pray any god he believed in to send the fire and scour this world of his shame at having his name so used. I’ll bet you heaven or hell; choose carefully.

So what now, man?

Can you teach people a better way to live? Can you teach yourself? Pitching a lifelong fuss is a waste of all that fire and intelligence, my friend. Besides, you’re the last man on that train; the other mongrel trash, the ones who look like Europeans, have heard nothing else for sixty years. I know, I know: it may be dumb, but they’re still waiting for Dr. Huxtable, and you are disappointing they pointy little heads. How’s that help?

So you don’t “believe in” America? I do, but I know damn well this country never has been America. Yet.

I believe in the ideal of human betterment. I believe we can build a society that gives everyone a fair shot. Where being poor doesn’t mean being fed poison food and water in a place where the schools don’t work but the gun and drug shops never close: I’m talking about rural Virginia, here.

If change is ever going to happen, we will have to change. We fall for the false divisions the parasites train us to believe in, and in so doing we train each other in hatred, mistrust, and fear. That has to stop. If it was pointed at the ticks and leeches who impoverish us, our anger would make more sense. It would make more sense, but it would still make no difference. The vampires drink champagne and laugh at us all.

So what now, man?

Now we teach each other that we are all mongrels here, and that hybrid vigor makes us the best hope of mankind. Now we buy those big empty AME churches and preach about sharing the loaves and fishes instead of hoping for pie in the sky. Because the central lie, the Big Lie, of the vampire class is that there isn’t enough to go around. When we share what we have, there will always be enough. When our people learn to put filling their brothers’ plates ahead of driving a new lease, it will start a revolution in the way we think, and our old ways of thinking will soon seem strange.

I have no -isms! Don’t hear me wrong. I despise ideologies and idiocies as one. But I am a Believer. I don’t believe in religion or politics or race hatred or even most of the history we’re taught. I believe in You. All the righteous anger, all the bitter experience, all the insight into the hateful way things are; bring it, bring it, bring it. We need your understanding, we need your heat. But it has to make something. Or be for nothing. What now?

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Having dealt with bullies my entire life, and cosmic-accidentally related to a few, I quickly learned that there is only one way to deal with them. If you run, you will continue to be bullied. If you comply, you will continue to be bullied. The only thing that will stop a bully is hitting him/her dead in the fucking mouth. Now, they may kill you, but the bullying will cease and desist. If they don't kill you, they will know that there is a price to pay for accosting you and their craven nature will direct them to easier prey.

Ashes to ashes...dust to dust.

That's what, mate.

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Pyramids of human skulls - ziggurats in Mesopotamia where Civilization rears its ugly head.

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