As Socrates stated almost 2,500 years ago, “The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.” A phrase which establishes the single most important aspect of study, teaching, introspection, and acquiring effective knowledge. In that spirit, and before further exposition, there are two terms requiring consensual definition if not understanding.
Pertinent to the subtitle of this piece, I refer to “The Island.” The United States is an island and it is of exigent import for “U.S.” to understand why I make such reference. Few realize that geography plays a primary role in a nation’s conduct. The fact that the United States is “protected” (or used to be) by two of the world’s largest oceans is directly related to its policies; both geopolitical and domestic. I yearn that more people realized this but such a thing would require the ability to think critically which, in the aggregate “U.S.” population, is entirely null and void.
This fact, and this fact alone, explains U.S. belligerence, violence and warmongering. Again, both domestic and abroad. I often think of my Alkebulanian ancestors who arrived to a strange place almost half a world away from that which they knew. They could not escape as they were not only “slaves” by violent policy and institution, they were slaves by geography.
Given that the United States has two sycophant weak neighbors by design, fore and aft, from the north and south makes it, essentially, an island. Though an enormous one. Ergo, I call it The Island. Trek with me, here.
Democracy is defined as “a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.” Reread this definition multiple times before continuing. Bathe in it, bask in it, luxuriate, laze and loll in it.
Now, prepare to be shaken into the searing heat and wokeness of reality.
The Short Bus
Let us examine matters from a global perspective and though the following may be unclear to some, given aggregational mental deficits, it is quite clear to the remainder of the world. Were the U.S. a child it would take the short bus to school… on the rare occasions it shows up for its special education curriculum. From Ukraine to Palestine. From Yemen to Compton. At home and abroad.
Monetize everything except oxygen (and it is working on that). Be unable to tell a male from a female and, thusly, a girl from a boy. Demand peace but deploy violence to achieve it (and never has, nor will, from a tactical standpoint). Then mind fuck itself with idiotic statements like “peace through strength.”
Take money from your powerless public without adequate representation to provide genocidal aid to a racist regime (aside from your own and a clone of your own), killing children by the tens of thousands. Kill children in the sake of “democracy” around the world. The vast majority of which look like my own regardless of if they come from Alkebulan, Asia, South America, Central America, Brazil, Alaska or Ferguson, Missouri. They look more like me than you do. As do their parents and the majority of the world. I would be beyond foolish to not acknowledge the pattern. In fact, to participate in such horrific folly would make me you or…”U.S.”
The world is watching “U.S.” implode whilst “WE” munch on “our” own entrails after self-evisceration.
“Throwing” my vote away
I have voted twice in my life. Both times my guys “won” and, from an optical standpoint, they were very different. One an old, European American Republican (my very first election participation as a legally freshly-minted adult) and the other a Black Man in the United States (as a 40 something single parent). However, in the final analysis, there was little meaningful difference betwixt the two presidents. I will feel forever damned to electoral Gehenna for either act. I would have voted a third time for someone who had a genuineness and decency lacking in the other two, but his own “party” screwed him and, at that moment, I was through partying.
Blue Democrats (Crips) and Red Republicans (Bloods). I can’t make these facts up on my best, or worst, day. “Ain’t nothing but a gangster party, ain’t nothing but a gangster party.”
“A system of government by the whole population”
Frankly, I understand white supremacy in a manner in which, apparently, many don’t. Think about the ability to not only invent, deploy and dictate the “terms” as Socrates referenced, but define them as well. That kind of nuclear power would make anyone arrogant as hell in addition to being intoxicated and consumed by hubris. Anybody that’s been in a barfight knows that an inherently mean, arrogant, drunk motherfucker is, indeed, going to present problems.
And you can see them coming.
For only the third time in 60 years, I will be voting this year. If I look at a quarter from my pocket, on the obverse side I see a white supremacist former president named George Washington (a man). On the reverse side, I see an eagle (a bird). Two different animals; one with arms and digits, one with wings. One naturally capable of flight, one not. Two vastly different images/species...yet, it remains a quarter.
Thusly, though I will partake in the meaningless ritual of voting in all of its personal rarity, it will be nothing more than symbolic rebellion and I shall let my freak-flag fly. That vote will be cast for neither of the duopolistic gangster parties and Democrats that think that Harris is going to guarantee them the Black vote are in for a very rude awakening, not all of us are that cheap a date. No matter the flavor, moniker or political platitude, we give less than a damn about subjective labels because there has never been a Black fascist and IF the “U.S.” truly had a "democracy" the partisan duopoly would not persecute, denigrate and attempt to intimidate alternative parties and political thought. Which begs the question: what are they afraid of? Fascist Black Bat
Ten Days on The Island…How Do You Spell Chaos?
Ten days ago there was an assassination attempt on a former president whom, among a plethora of other oddities, may become the next sitting president. Eight days later, a mere four months before a general election and running for reelection, the sitting president seceded (or “secided”) from seeking that reelection. The goal posts, in just hours, moved from “I’m not going anywhere and I will defeat Donald Trump” to trying to hang on to office for the next four months to “finish the job.”
Two days before that, though purportedly not connected to domestic politics, there was a curious and massive computer outage claimed to have been caused by a defect in a software update for, of all things, cybersecurity defense software. I.T. experts warn the problem (attack?) is likely to happen again. Today, day 10, the chief of the United States Secret Service resigned due to the events of ten days ago.
During the one presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump a little less than a month ago Donald Trump was asked by one of the moderators “will you accept the results of the election.” He answered it just as he did eight years ago…he didn’t. What was really unique is that that same question was not posed to the Democrat candidate at the time (President Biden) anymore than it was in 2016. In fact, in 2017 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, subsequent to losing to Trump, in an interview with NPR’s Terry Gross stated as follows.
(Gross): I want to get back to the question, would you completely rule out questioning the legitimacy of this election if we learn that the Russian interference in the election is even deeper than we know now?
(Clinton) No. I would not. I would say…
(Gross) You're not going to rule it out.
(Clinton) No, I wouldn't rule it out.
While, given events such as January 6, 2021, much attention is paid to Republican petulance pertinent to “accepting the results of the election.” What people had better keep a keen eye on is whether Democrats do. And, since I don’t have a dog in that particular fight I see them both as being equally capable of the conduct of the other (and maybe for good reason). It is going to be a shit-show either way and people are going to get hurt. I’ve said it before and, for the hard of hearing, I will say it again: the United States has crossed the Rubicon and is unable to avoid the impending abyss.
The United States is completely incapable of honest self-assessment and, thusly, how totally dysfunctional it appears to the world at large. It is the global poster child for chaos. This will be its undoing and that process has begun.
Clearly the United States is a democrazy.
Democracy…not so much.
I voted two times for president if you don't count the insignificant throwaways to unelectable candidates in my determinative angst to vote against the "TWO" political parties.
On the other hand, while I suspect some democratically activity that might be violent, I suspect they will be outliers. For the most part I see the current coalition as milquetoast that won't be able to raise a cry to their beloved misconcepton that the constitution ever deigned to become a democracy. .
On the other hand, there could be a coup attempt by either side that probably won't succeed. But street violence possibly become brutal and I have no clear idea what the result of that will be.
I agree, that not just upon this island, but globally this concept of democracy is on shaky legs, but recent elections from India to the Phillipines to the Papuan elecctions all the way to Europe that people seem willing to give it one more shot.
If the same happens here, it will be the last shot US will probably grant to U.S. if it comes up short.
I remain in hope against the violence you forecast, as you probably already are aware, one of those willing to grant democrazy one more shot. And I' sure you will find that a naievty, with which I would have to agree.
Our real choice is the failed status quo vs. an alternative that many are calling authoritarian, the reality, hoever, is not the appealingness of a perspective autocracy but the lack of appeal for the status quo which will fail if you and I both are not vastly underestimating the ability to offer substantial reorganization should the democratic party win in November and offer a new vision of to people that ends ALL ENSLAVEMENTS of the us by the U.S.
At best, Biden's withdrawal has merely delayed the inevitable. The American Empire is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.