I voted two times for president if you don't count the insignificant throwaways to unelectable candidates in my determinative angst to vote against the "TWO" political parties.
On the other hand, while I suspect some democratically activity that might be violent, I suspect they will be outliers. For the most part I see the current coalition as milquetoast that won't be able to raise a cry to their beloved misconcepton that the constitution ever deigned to become a democracy. .
On the other hand, there could be a coup attempt by either side that probably won't succeed. But street violence possibly become brutal and I have no clear idea what the result of that will be.
I agree, that not just upon this island, but globally this concept of democracy is on shaky legs, but recent elections from India to the Phillipines to the Papuan elecctions all the way to Europe that people seem willing to give it one more shot.
If the same happens here, it will be the last shot US will probably grant to U.S. if it comes up short.
I remain in hope against the violence you forecast, as you probably already are aware, one of those willing to grant democrazy one more shot. And I' sure you will find that a naievty, with which I would have to agree.
Our real choice is the failed status quo vs. an alternative that many are calling authoritarian, the reality, hoever, is not the appealingness of a perspective autocracy but the lack of appeal for the status quo which will fail if you and I both are not vastly underestimating the ability to offer substantial reorganization should the democratic party win in November and offer a new vision of to people that ends ALL ENSLAVEMENTS of the us by the U.S.
I find myself wincing, if not offended, whenever a European-American subjectively characterizes me (or any other Black Person in the United States) as "angry. It comes across dismissive and paternalistic. Further, the last thing that has any credence to this wee mind is psychoanalysis by those who don't personally know who I am.
IF a Black Person IS "angry" that would make them rational and of sound mind. How do you explain Europeans? What is their murderous excuse?
then I must apologize. However, hoping not to make matters worse, I am of the opinion anger isn't always necessarily an evil or bad emotion, but can be a justified protest against what one sees as an injustice perpetrated upon themselves or others. It was in this sense I used the term. Sometimes words fall short without explanation. of how you are using them. Of course, given my definition, you may still find it offensive, and so I repeat my apology because all civilities crumble when we don't apologize for offending others. apologies, I believe, are mandatory for the offender, but I see no mandate that requires them being accepted if the offense has cut too deep.
No apology required TUO. Your candor is always appreciated and I totally concur that anger is not a negative emotion. In fact, and, frankly Black People in the United states aren't "angry" enough but we don't care for such assessments from European-Americans because, generally, when they do it it it is to be dismissive and denialistic.
Thank you for the clarification and, as usual, you are dead on point.
And thank you for the clarification on why you find it offensive. If I had reflected a moment before writing, I should have realized the obviousness because I have heard such dismissiveness all of my life....James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Ralph Ellison, Stokely were all "angry young men" and told their 'anger" was not proper and misplaced and harmful and they wanted "to be Integrated " they'd better calm down and let their heads get cracked open like King and Meredith.
I will try to be more reflective and choose better terms in future...
I have often found myself angry in the way I've defined the term...and of course I've suffered the same "well you shouldn't be angry". attitude...but it can't., once again, be comparative to the experience of the Alkebulanian (and I am beginning to gravitate towards the term because I still find the designation of people by "race" offensive, but have never found a good alternative).
But to the general point here...of course there is every reason why an Alkebulanian should be offended because their "anger" is offensive, grown-up and not keeping your obedient boyness.
But your words are always searing and why I have to generally set aside a period to read them because,just as in this instance, you always make me recognize, and I suppose and hope that is your intent, that I have to recognize and re-recognize with every column you write how vitally ugly and offensive E-A's treatment of Alkebulanians has been, including my own.
Yes I often write about E-A's also being enslaved--and that modern E-A's still don't recognize how they are being oppressed...but there is an essential difference from being inferiorized by impoverishment or social status and simply being inferiorized because you exist. What Andrea told me 40 yrs. ago I hear in every line that you write and I'm constantly reminded of Andrea's words ...the E-A's just don't suffer the same indignities put upon them. It is and it isn't, I suppose...Bob Marley's words come back, they haunt me, "every time I plant a seed.." somewhere in that song is the essential difference. E-A's can't comprehend. Of course we can can feel being oppressed at times...but every time we plant a seed..any seed, from the moment of conception to the closing of the casket is what I always thought Marley was saying.
Yeah E-A boys want to sing the song, yeah we identify with the feelings of having sometimes with having on occasion felt pushed into the gutter. I am not complaining of the behavior of the white gentlemen who in the 50's went into all E-A lunch counters with Alkebulanians. They were tossed out because they went to the lunch counter because they entered with Alkebulanians, the Alkebulanians were ejected because they were Alkebulanians. This is the temporariness in which E-A's experience and Alkebulanians experience. It's not every time you walk into the lunch counter. I can understand the oppression...I can never understand the every time, everyday, every breath.
Oh surely, we E-A's may surmise, it's not every seed, every breath...Alkebulanians have succeeded, we just have to give them more opportunities...but ah, we are wrong in such surmises...it is every breath because the oppression is extended to the oxygen they breathe, the water they drink...It is every time because it is so many times they can no longer be separated or counted. ..it is every time because the E-A's pee on the seeds and attempt to refertilize the seeds with their E-A waste. And there it is, as long as the Alkebulanian can be fertilized in our image, okay, they are the good N's, you can protest as long as you do it peacefully, but don't you dare be angry every time you plant a seed and we refertilize that seed with our waste... and the Alkebulanians become as the waste to the E-A the dungheap of humanity...no matter how he may have opportunity to ascend and even no matter if he becomes Clarence or Tim Scott, or that South Carolinia running for governor and tries to deny his treatment, somewhere he knows if he expressed any outrage, off to the ghetto with you (excuse me) boy, you're not good anymore if you grow up and be a man, your seed is not fouled enough if you dare think that is permissible.
But I can't explain it, because my words stumble and flail in ignorance, because I can only observe, I can't experience your experience.All I know, and what you continually remind of is that I can't experience the American-Alkebulanian experience, I can only observe it.
And that is implicit acceptance that allows this horrendous disacceptance...every time...and permission that every time continues to be every time that includes the fouled oxygen we force into your every breath.
But my words will always remain offensive, no matter how I try to frame them...because observing is not experiencing.
I cannot apologize for being E-A, in fact, to do so would be false because I recognize that being so has benefited the treatment I have been accorded when I have acted "inappropriately". But I can apologize to you, to all Alkebulanians , every day for my stumblings and flailing attempts to even pretend to assume an identification with what the Alkebulanian has experienced.
I voted two times for president if you don't count the insignificant throwaways to unelectable candidates in my determinative angst to vote against the "TWO" political parties.
On the other hand, while I suspect some democratically activity that might be violent, I suspect they will be outliers. For the most part I see the current coalition as milquetoast that won't be able to raise a cry to their beloved misconcepton that the constitution ever deigned to become a democracy. .
On the other hand, there could be a coup attempt by either side that probably won't succeed. But street violence possibly become brutal and I have no clear idea what the result of that will be.
I agree, that not just upon this island, but globally this concept of democracy is on shaky legs, but recent elections from India to the Phillipines to the Papuan elecctions all the way to Europe that people seem willing to give it one more shot.
If the same happens here, it will be the last shot US will probably grant to U.S. if it comes up short.
I remain in hope against the violence you forecast, as you probably already are aware, one of those willing to grant democrazy one more shot. And I' sure you will find that a naievty, with which I would have to agree.
Our real choice is the failed status quo vs. an alternative that many are calling authoritarian, the reality, hoever, is not the appealingness of a perspective autocracy but the lack of appeal for the status quo which will fail if you and I both are not vastly underestimating the ability to offer substantial reorganization should the democratic party win in November and offer a new vision of to people that ends ALL ENSLAVEMENTS of the us by the U.S.
The United States needs an enema.
amidst your angst and anger is a beautiful sense of satire.
I find myself wincing, if not offended, whenever a European-American subjectively characterizes me (or any other Black Person in the United States) as "angry. It comes across dismissive and paternalistic. Further, the last thing that has any credence to this wee mind is psychoanalysis by those who don't personally know who I am.
IF a Black Person IS "angry" that would make them rational and of sound mind. How do you explain Europeans? What is their murderous excuse?
then I must apologize. However, hoping not to make matters worse, I am of the opinion anger isn't always necessarily an evil or bad emotion, but can be a justified protest against what one sees as an injustice perpetrated upon themselves or others. It was in this sense I used the term. Sometimes words fall short without explanation. of how you are using them. Of course, given my definition, you may still find it offensive, and so I repeat my apology because all civilities crumble when we don't apologize for offending others. apologies, I believe, are mandatory for the offender, but I see no mandate that requires them being accepted if the offense has cut too deep.
No apology required TUO. Your candor is always appreciated and I totally concur that anger is not a negative emotion. In fact, and, frankly Black People in the United states aren't "angry" enough but we don't care for such assessments from European-Americans because, generally, when they do it it it is to be dismissive and denialistic.
Thank you for the clarification and, as usual, you are dead on point.
And thank you for the clarification on why you find it offensive. If I had reflected a moment before writing, I should have realized the obviousness because I have heard such dismissiveness all of my life....James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Ralph Ellison, Stokely were all "angry young men" and told their 'anger" was not proper and misplaced and harmful and they wanted "to be Integrated " they'd better calm down and let their heads get cracked open like King and Meredith.
I will try to be more reflective and choose better terms in future...
I have often found myself angry in the way I've defined the term...and of course I've suffered the same "well you shouldn't be angry". attitude...but it can't., once again, be comparative to the experience of the Alkebulanian (and I am beginning to gravitate towards the term because I still find the designation of people by "race" offensive, but have never found a good alternative).
But to the general point here...of course there is every reason why an Alkebulanian should be offended because their "anger" is offensive, grown-up and not keeping your obedient boyness.
But your words are always searing and why I have to generally set aside a period to read them because,just as in this instance, you always make me recognize, and I suppose and hope that is your intent, that I have to recognize and re-recognize with every column you write how vitally ugly and offensive E-A's treatment of Alkebulanians has been, including my own.
Yes I often write about E-A's also being enslaved--and that modern E-A's still don't recognize how they are being oppressed...but there is an essential difference from being inferiorized by impoverishment or social status and simply being inferiorized because you exist. What Andrea told me 40 yrs. ago I hear in every line that you write and I'm constantly reminded of Andrea's words ...the E-A's just don't suffer the same indignities put upon them. It is and it isn't, I suppose...Bob Marley's words come back, they haunt me, "every time I plant a seed.." somewhere in that song is the essential difference. E-A's can't comprehend. Of course we can can feel being oppressed at times...but every time we plant a seed..any seed, from the moment of conception to the closing of the casket is what I always thought Marley was saying.
Yeah E-A boys want to sing the song, yeah we identify with the feelings of having sometimes with having on occasion felt pushed into the gutter. I am not complaining of the behavior of the white gentlemen who in the 50's went into all E-A lunch counters with Alkebulanians. They were tossed out because they went to the lunch counter because they entered with Alkebulanians, the Alkebulanians were ejected because they were Alkebulanians. This is the temporariness in which E-A's experience and Alkebulanians experience. It's not every time you walk into the lunch counter. I can understand the oppression...I can never understand the every time, everyday, every breath.
Oh surely, we E-A's may surmise, it's not every seed, every breath...Alkebulanians have succeeded, we just have to give them more opportunities...but ah, we are wrong in such surmises...it is every breath because the oppression is extended to the oxygen they breathe, the water they drink...It is every time because it is so many times they can no longer be separated or counted. ..it is every time because the E-A's pee on the seeds and attempt to refertilize the seeds with their E-A waste. And there it is, as long as the Alkebulanian can be fertilized in our image, okay, they are the good N's, you can protest as long as you do it peacefully, but don't you dare be angry every time you plant a seed and we refertilize that seed with our waste... and the Alkebulanians become as the waste to the E-A the dungheap of humanity...no matter how he may have opportunity to ascend and even no matter if he becomes Clarence or Tim Scott, or that South Carolinia running for governor and tries to deny his treatment, somewhere he knows if he expressed any outrage, off to the ghetto with you (excuse me) boy, you're not good anymore if you grow up and be a man, your seed is not fouled enough if you dare think that is permissible.
But I can't explain it, because my words stumble and flail in ignorance, because I can only observe, I can't experience your experience.All I know, and what you continually remind of is that I can't experience the American-Alkebulanian experience, I can only observe it.
And that is implicit acceptance that allows this horrendous disacceptance...every time...and permission that every time continues to be every time that includes the fouled oxygen we force into your every breath.
But my words will always remain offensive, no matter how I try to frame them...because observing is not experiencing.
I cannot apologize for being E-A, in fact, to do so would be false because I recognize that being so has benefited the treatment I have been accorded when I have acted "inappropriately". But I can apologize to you, to all Alkebulanians , every day for my stumblings and flailing attempts to even pretend to assume an identification with what the Alkebulanian has experienced.
At best, Biden's withdrawal has merely delayed the inevitable. The American Empire is dead, it just doesn't know it yet.
Rigor mortis, delayed, matey.
Rigor mortis delayed.