There's a lot to unpack. O.J., Cosby,, George Stinney (which I didn't know about, and I assume you mean he was the youngest "legally" executed person).

Look every white person knows about the black persecutions by white, sometimes sugar-coated as "racism", but as your article begins, no white person knows the experience of being persecuted for the color of his skin. Whatever any white person may think he knows about being persecuted for anything like his religion, pales, and no matter what any white person, say myself, who may be supportive of any social cause what no matter what we may say claim can ever rise above your conclusion:

"My problem with you is stark, and singular. My problem with you is insulting my goddamned intelligence. It always has been, and it always will be.

Even for a white person to claim the most sympathetic, empathetic, or whatever other term you wish to call it, we still insult your goddamned intelligence, don't we?

Ultimately however, isn't our very insult to your intelligence and even greater insult to our own intelligence?

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Apr 14Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

And still, the European American cries persecution at the smallest of infringement on their privileges. Never will they have the fortitude for what's ahead

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Apr 28Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

So much of what passes for public life in the USA these days is pure farce, I just get exhausted and turn away.

That said, I am disappointed that you did not find a way to work, "Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis?" into this excellent essay somewhere.

Keeping it real is your deal, I know.

Btw, youngster, your sixties are going to be your best decade ever, mine certainly have been. As for geezerhood; own it! Comes with a lot of perks, you've earned 'em.

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