Hello, Mr. Kenyatta, your article this evening is rich in History. Your really good at incorporating America's past and making it relevant in today's political landscape. It's unfortunate that America will fail, as like all other forms of governments passed. I would have really liked to have left this place I call Home, Better, but I guess I failed. I can honestly say that I tried,in that I've always participated in doing my civic duty, and the one thing I was most proud of was the 18yr olds right to Vote, in protest to the Viet Nam war/ draft. I've also been blessed with really good children,who are smart, good looking, healthy, have progressive outlooks, have good work ethic,have many friends, are wonderful parents. It will be interesting to get my oldest daughter's take on your article and my comments.That all being said, you made my heart smile today when you called into Thom Hartmann's program. Thank You for writing this evening and will reStack ASAP πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™πŸŒŠπŸŒŠ

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For reasons I can never publicly state, I am very envious of you and it is abundantly clear to me that you are an exemplar of what I would wish most of us were.

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Only because one of your relatives was involved:)

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::In Adams letter he cautions Taylor: β€œRemember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.::

THIS, from John "Alien and Sedition Act" Adams! He really had no more respect for Democracy than Donald Trump doesβ€”didn't he tell his cousin Samuel Adams it was "A Rabble in Arms"?

I've said several times over the years that MY ideal government would be a dictatorship...with ME(!) as Dictatorβ€”but you would feel differently. That's kind of how Democracy at its best should work, as the realization that I'm not the only person on Earth who matters and neither are you, so we'd all better work towards a better worldβ€”or it'll all fall apart and nobody will have anything. I don't know WHERE people got the idea that they can have everything and everybody else can fight over the scraps that are left, because that's how the people who try to take everything end up shot in the face and dragged through the streets by their heels like Mussolini was....

American Democracy was founded in the dual sins of native genocide and racial slaveryβ€”and before we as a nation can move forward, we must atone for those. Sociopaths like Trump and Musk, and cowards like Bezos and Soon-Shiong, don't WANT to atone but keep on taking and taking, and Trump's convinced his cult if they follow him they can (eventually) do it, tooβ€”which is why we need to MAKE them atone, every last Son and Daughter of them.

We don't need to *end* American Democracyβ€”we need to finish the job by giving it to everybody, especially those we didn't give it to originally and still keep holding it just out of arm's-reach. Those that won't play fair? Well, they need to be without for a while until they see the error of their ways....

And if they refuse? It was really a *bitch* what they did to Mussoliniβ€”it would be a pity if it were to happen to anybody else. πŸ˜‡

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Touche' matey and, once again, you have outdone yourself in the critical thinking eloquence department.

Additionally, here is some thought for food. https://www.zinnedproject.org/if-we-knew-our-history/us-is-not-a-democracy/

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Rohn, you put a lot into this I’m sure. I’m remain optimistic for a continuation and brighter future. Growing pains or maybe the terrible twos and yes lots of pain to try and heal from, including the planet. The U.S. scored some really good real estate deals early on, Louisiana Purchase, Alaska and others. There’s some karmic payback long overdue. Still, our system isn’t ready to die just yet. Maybe there’s something better coming when the time is right.

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I gain nothing by wishing you to be wrong, but that cannot be, for the apple falleth not far from the tree.

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Too cynical for me.

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When does it become civil war to you? Because, for some of us, it always has been.

The essay speaks for itself, and facts are facts. The United States does NOT have a "democracy." as mentioned in the piece, Citizens United (among many other manifestations, past and present) totally discredits such folly.

Not all are privileged to look at reality through White Rose colored monocles.

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Some white Southerners will claim that there was no civil war because that war was between two countries. I’m sure many blacks see there fight for existence as a civil war or close to it. I don’t deny that. But if you’re advocating giving up on democracy you have to ask what’s it going to be like.

There are lots of people like me that like multiculturalism. Trust is the primary issue. In answer to Rodney King’s question β€œWhy can’t we all get along?” I don’t know why and I wish it was’t the case.

For the last 50 years of my career, I tried and never been disappointed after hiring minorities. I figured I was finding qualified professionals that others were missing.

Multiculturalism is always going to be a challenge for some folks. The more there is, the more uncomfortable they become. I just try to do what I can when I have the chance and hope things improve. I try to treat people well.

I recently read Isabel Wilkerson’s β€œCaste: The Origins of Our Discontent”. Enlightening. Do I have white rose colored glasses? I don’t think so but I am a white guy who probably has more reason to be optimistic than most. I realize that I was afforded opportunity that others were not. My grandfathers were immigrant coal miners who got out of Europe just before WWI. One was killed in a mine.

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Please elaborate on why you say there’s something β€œinherently dishonest” about the modus opera do of the US?

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Surely, you jest. And if I need to elucidate I probably ought not.

Nonetheless, thank you for your curiosity, comment and query.

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My opinion follows, not Rohn's.

Let's start with the fact that the most powerful country ever to exist on the planet was built on the back of slaves; continue with "freedom" that has only ever truly been for a fluctuating percentage of those of us of white European descent; and add the 250+ years of mass murder conducted domestically and pretty much worldwide in the name of "freedom", "liberty", and oil -- hell, GB Junior even admitted as much with the first acronym for his murder of Iraqis and other brown Middle Easterners. All while the unwashed masses were brainwashed into believing the myth of "American Exceptionalism".

We could continue with the 47% of the populace who, mostly due to ignorance, support Donnie Dipshit who will soon end "The American Experiment" in favor of authoritarianism, oligarchy, concentration camps, domestic mass murder, and a return to the Germanic glory days of the 1930's and 40's.

I hope you can now see at least a shadow of the inherent dishonesty. It's all around us every day, but then fish don't know they're in water, do they?

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"...but then fish don't know they're in water, do they?"

Probably not. Then again, it has been scientifically proven that a goldfish has a longer attention span than the average "Amerikan." Whether or not fish know they are in water may be uncertain, but they sure as hell know when they are out of it.

Masterfully done, Mr. Pearce.

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Better said than I would have, John D. Pierce.

My reaction to grahamcrack's comment was more like this:


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Strong, silent type, huh?

Heh, heh.

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Well, I couldn't find the one where the dog kicks himself in the back of the head with his rear foot....

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You are to be put in my last will and testament for being a source of continued, and much needed, personal mirth.

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