Mr. Kenyatta I had a similar experience with my kids. For some reason, my 18 month old daughter, would bite her baby sister when she nursed. I said, no, that hurts, but words did no good. One afternoon, I was distracted and my toddler bit her baby sister hard. When I saw the bite marks, I picked up my toddler's arm, bit her hard, then pointed to baby's bite marks and said, that hurts.
The look on my toddler's face told the story. Since she had never been hurt before, she did not know what the word hurt meant. Once she'd been bitten she understood what hurt meant, and never hurt her sister again. I learned to help connect words with reality so that my children understood me.
I could not help myself, I had to know the etymology. Interestingly enough, the word retard is a verb, that describes something that someone is doing to someone else.
late 15c., retarden, "make slow or slower; keep back, hinder, delay" (transitive), from French retarder "restrain, hold (someone) back, keep (someone from doing something); come to a stop" (13c.) and directly from Latin retardare "make slow, delay, keep back, hinder" (see retardation). Related: Retarded; retarding. The intransitive sense of "be delayed" is from 1640s.
I fully understand your assertion and do not disagree with it. However, access to knowledge does not mean that there is a thirst for it. Such cognitive curiosity and hunger must be taught, if not innate. It's like placing a table full of foie gras in front of a person that lives on potato chips. They have no desire for it. Further, even the consumption of knowledge, or erudition, does not always translate to intelligence.
When the sole interest of a society is how to keep an underclass to bolster the profits of a few at "the top".. it must continually create a dumber and more pliable populous to prop up the mentality. Here, at the Apex of idiocy, it is apparently just an ourobouros of willfully ignorance and racism feasting upon itself.
Amerikkka is profoundly broken. Bread and circus will keep most at bay until the Gazpacho comes for them.
Justice and vengeance, like Gazpacho or Gestapo, are dishes best served cold.
And will be.
Since it reports to Mango Mussolini, I prefer Marjorie Traitor Greene's name for them.
three k's. that's triply broken.
Mr. Kenyatta I had a similar experience with my kids. For some reason, my 18 month old daughter, would bite her baby sister when she nursed. I said, no, that hurts, but words did no good. One afternoon, I was distracted and my toddler bit her baby sister hard. When I saw the bite marks, I picked up my toddler's arm, bit her hard, then pointed to baby's bite marks and said, that hurts.
The look on my toddler's face told the story. Since she had never been hurt before, she did not know what the word hurt meant. Once she'd been bitten she understood what hurt meant, and never hurt her sister again. I learned to help connect words with reality so that my children understood me.
'Tis a pity that "your" country hasn't the intelligence exhibited by your toddler.
True, and I am ashamed by that.
When you're behind the gate, you can't skate ... (much). 👈
Me is you...too!
Thank you for the hearty chuckle, Mr. Ed.
I could not help myself, I had to know the etymology. Interestingly enough, the word retard is a verb, that describes something that someone is doing to someone else.
late 15c., retarden, "make slow or slower; keep back, hinder, delay" (transitive), from French retarder "restrain, hold (someone) back, keep (someone from doing something); come to a stop" (13c.) and directly from Latin retardare "make slow, delay, keep back, hinder" (see retardation). Related: Retarded; retarding. The intransitive sense of "be delayed" is from 1640s.
I find myself wondering if when the arts were taken out of schools, they thought Civics were in that category.
I believe, when nearly everyone has a computer in their hands, with access to unlimited information, IGNORANCE IS A CHOICE.
I fully understand your assertion and do not disagree with it. However, access to knowledge does not mean that there is a thirst for it. Such cognitive curiosity and hunger must be taught, if not innate. It's like placing a table full of foie gras in front of a person that lives on potato chips. They have no desire for it. Further, even the consumption of knowledge, or erudition, does not always translate to intelligence.
As we clearly see.
When the sole interest of a society is how to keep an underclass to bolster the profits of a few at "the top".. it must continually create a dumber and more pliable populous to prop up the mentality. Here, at the Apex of idiocy, it is apparently just an ourobouros of willfully ignorance and racism feasting upon itself.
Cannibals, I tell you!
Not to be confused with cannabis.
Truer words have never been spoken. We just never learn, it pains me to think about how
much we all could have accomplished if we weren’t so retarded!