Message To The White Man
Part of White Privilege Is The European's Inability To Look In The Mirror And See Himself As Others Do: I am Providing Him A Mirror
This article is a product, in part, of a song by iconic “rhythm and blues” (also known as “race records”) artists The Temptations. The song was released in 1969. I was a little boy, but I recall the song blaring through “the box” all over Los Angeles. For my European-American friends, “the box” was a slang term for a record player.
The song was entitled Message from a Black Man and was released four years after The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s seminal book entitled Message to the Black Man. Though I have no religious affiliation it is a book every black man should read. The book was published in 1965; the year that Los Angeles burned from end to end. Los Angeles would burn again 27 years later, and it will again soon, as will other U.S. cities and towns.
One of the first “soul music” stations in the nation was KGFJ. KGFJ was crucial to “the black community” and had a legendary disc-jockey named Alvin John Waples. I was an infant at the time, yet I remember hearing him say “burn, baby, burn” over the radio. The timing of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s book was not a coincidence, nor was the song by The Temptations. In homage to both, this is the first of two articles in a series. This inaugural is a Message to the White Man. It will be closely followed by my rendition of a Message to the Black Man, as I have saved the best, for last.
Neither article is likely to increase my meager popularity but, then again, one can’t fall off of the ground and the truth is never popular in the land of make-believe. That’s why you are constantly told about “dreams”. “I have a dream.” The American “dream” and “dreamers.”
Don’t get it anymore twisted than you already have it; for the prerequisite of dreaming is being asleep.
A Message to the White Man
Your arrogant, and perverted, white supremacist thought process says to the Black Person in the United States: “My supremacy forbids you to tell me about me. I am the one and only qualified to tell me about me and tell you about me. You are forbidden to tell me about you. I shall tell you about you. And, if you dare exhibit some manner of defiance to my supremacy as stated, I will label you and call it hate, or state you are angry if not racist because, you see, I control the narrative even if it is not my own.”
That dog don’t hunt. Not here.
If I were concerned with bowing and scraping to you, other European-Americans, or Europeans anywhere, I would not be so brazen in telling you the truth. I have heard all of your denials and bovine feces. All of your Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. pontifications. Yet, you conveniently seem to forget what Gandhi and Martin Luther King were fighting against and, if you really were all about Gandhi and Martin Luther King, those men would not have had to exist.
Part and parcel of your white supremacist apathetic and inconsiderate instincts is to deny the life experiences of the Black Person in the United States. An individual that knows nothing about me, knows nothing about me. I have, with mine own eyes, seen how vicious, vile and present your dis-ease is.
In government, in education, in corporate America, in your courts, in law-enforcement, in your media, in your armed forces, in your institutions, with publishers, with editors and in your society at large. You are so arrogant that the fact that a Black Man has the temerity to rebuke you in terms of laying out the unadulterated truth is downright shocking to you. Man up.
Now, before you get started (and you will) manifesting your frustrations of being exposed in ad hominem attacks and your white supremacist rage renders you daffy, be mindful that I am aware of what that indicates. I am an individual with legal training and have been taught to form arguments in a certain way; particularly upon cross examination and in written interrogatories. In essence, I’m the nigger that your mother warned you about.
I do not fear you. I fear no man, and am used to vanquishing all adversaries academically, intellectually, scholastically, in the boardroom, in the courtroom, on the football field, in the boxing ring and on the streets. I say the aforementioned in the spirit of full disclosure.
Actually, your playbook is four centuries old and I have seen all of the plays. I have seen your offense and I have seen your defense. Neither is really complex, vicious no doubt, but hardly complex. Your instinct is going to be to call me a “racist” which only exposes your lack of imagination and self-control because, you see, “race” is a European construct. Ergo, it is your invention. You are the architect of this perversion of humanity against the world’s majority (yes, you are the “minority”) and you possess the unmitigated gall to assign your dis-ease to others that are subjected to it. click here
White washed, terrified Black People in the United States are a dime a dozen. If they want to hold hands with you as they get their heads kicked in and perpetually be insulted while simultaneously grabbing their ankles and singing kumbaya with their assailant more power to them. I am something quite a bit different.
If you truly believe that you are operating with any decency, as a group, then most certainly you ought have zero problem with those that look like me treating you as you treat us and employing your tactics and methods. Think long and hard about that one; and think about it on a global scale because you will, quite soon, be compelled to do so. Verstehen sie?
When you, European Man stand for an Alkebulanian flag, or the flag of a Black Man, I will stand for yours. When you, “white” man can give me an example of black people stealing your land, committing physical and cultural genocide upon you, raping your women and getting paid to do it, removing your names and religions and enslaving you to obtain wealth then your pontifications and absolutions will have credence. When black police officers routinely gun down your little pale children, women and men, I will find parity in your protestations. When a Black Man in the United States can gun down a 17-year-old white boy with Skittles in his hand, get away with it and then sell the weapon he murdered the boy with for over a quarter of a million dollars; I will reconsider my position.
When a European-American places his hand over his heart and pledges “allegiance” to people that look like me, my parents and my children, I will consider pledging to those like him. When you join military units of Black People in the United States killing and declaring war against Europeans, I might consider conscripting myself to your military units to help you kill melanic people. When Black People green light movies and recording contracts where they sign artists that attain celebrity and wealth by using the words kike and honkey, just like they attain celebrity and wealth by making movies and records replete with the word nigger today, then I will see equality.
When a Black Person in the United States can, truly, be a “racist” then I will see social equilibrium for that will mean that we control utilities, courts, education, politics, law, banking, corporations, manufacturing, insurance, food supplies and make guns and bullets. When the illiterate are illiterate their illiteracy shows like a scarlet letter upon their pathetic foreheads. They are too stupid, intellectually lazy, miseducated and doltish to know the difference between racism, bigotry, white supremacy and prejudice which is, in large part, why they continue.
I know the difference.
The mere fact that you, “white” man, as a group, do what you do, have done what you did and expect the Black Person in the United States (and elsewhere) or Original Americans to have anything but contempt for you is white supremacy on steroids. You spent 20 plus years and trillions of dollars murdering millions of women, men and children declaring war on an inanimate object, a word “terror” because you got “attacked” on 9–11 and still could not win. Who even comes remotely as close to propagating “terror”, domestically or globally, than you?
And you have the grapes to dare anyone to do unto you as you do unto them. In fact you have not “won” a war in 75 years, yet you constantly engage in them. Tell me, why? I mean, obviously you aren’t very good at it. Is it the thrill of the hunt, perhaps?
Go to a quiet place, “white” man, where you contemplate life and ask yourself what have you accomplished without violence and theft. Ask yourself what would be the status of your self-perceived supremacy without bloodletting. Ask yourself if the world would be more, or less, harmonious sans your presence.
Ask yourself if there would be as much war and conflict in the world in your absence (be honest, as best you are capable). Ask yourself, could I live among nations without a philosophy of instilling fear. Quite often you plaintively state, in your political rhetoric, “other nations no longer fear us.” I have some bad news for you brother, fewer and fewer do.
Chinese communist leader Mao Tse-tung acquired a great understanding of your “western culture” and he, most prophetically, stated with regard to you “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Your global extortion and thievery are coming to an end, and with that global liberation will come the liberation of the black man. No, no, you aren’t going to blow up the world, poppycock.
You know why? Because if you do, you will rid the world of its problems; all of them. Try though you might, you haven’t got enough penis shaped rockets to get enough of you off of the planet. Plus, you have no place to go.
The great and legendary poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote: “It murmurs and whispers still: A boy’s will is the wind’s will. And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.” Time for you to think like a “boy” white man, because no matter how hard you try you can’t stop me now.
Brothers, you are up next.
As always, your post was intense and painful truth. And, once again, one word touched me deeply, decency. I realized if there had been even a modicum of decency in the colonies, the merchant on the first ship marketing slaves would have met with arrest instead of financial reward and his human cargo either returned home or invited to remain as equals not to serve as free labor for an eternity. It’s way past time for us to own our shit.
Very few things in life destroy both the victim and the perpertrater in life, but this cancer on society of white supremacy has already once decimated this country. The next attempt to excise the tumor is going to be a giant awakening.