As always, your post was intense and painful truth. And, once again, one word touched me deeply, decency. I realized if there had been even a modicum of decency in the colonies, the merchant on the first ship marketing slaves would have met with arrest instead of financial reward and his human cargo either returned home or invited to remain as equals not to serve as free labor for an eternity. It’s way past time for us to own our shit.
I really, really admire you, Mr. Bee. Your knowledge and intellectual candor; your ability to acknowledge truth without self-deprecation is indicative of a level of maturity that I strive for.
Anecdotally, let me tell you that you have inspired Friday's article on, of all things (especially coming from me), Jesus.
Having said that, beware for I am full of surprises.
Very few things in life destroy both the victim and the perpertrater in life, but this cancer on society of white supremacy has already once decimated this country. The next attempt to excise the tumor is going to be a giant awakening.
Your words come off the screen like a left-hook! Since I’m in Hawaii I must sat that your punch is not like the ‘sting of a bee’ but more like the bite of a centipede—it is far worse and lasts much longer. I know you will not stop and for that I thank you.
Too late to stop now, Jimbo. For, if I might be momentarily trite, the die has been...caste.
When I say it is always an honor to hear from you, I mean it from both the top and bottom of my heart, because you have been with me and supported me since ground zero.
You are one of few that have relegated me to same and it would be fascinating to observe what your European brethren have to say in response to your commentary. I hope there are those courageous enough to do so.
My handlers, mentors and the few in my small circle have admonished me to never, ever look at, or respond, to comments. I refuse to not engage the people that think what I do is important enough to read. The soothsayers can kiss my freckle faced brown ass, on that for the writer writes to be read.
Having said that, starkly though 'tis, you are despite whatever anthropological and genealogical anomalies exist, part of the human family. I admire your passion, your candor and your intellect and, indeed, the European appears genetically inclined to be a vicious soul. However, you are still part of humanity; and we all have family members we'd just assume eradicate.
Think of that last "Thanksgiving" dinner where Mom sat down at the table with her brother, Uncle Festus, that she (and everybody else) knew sexually abused her daughters (son's as well) and blamed them for it. That shit happens in "U.S." (or "y'all") every goddamned day. That is why a reckoning cometh nigh. Nonetheless, self-flagellation is not the answer. People like you are the answer.
First off, let me inform you that I say exactly what I mean. Whatever white supremacist, paternalistic urge makes you feel you are qualified to tell me what my words mean, in your own, is cowardly. I communicate with brutal goddamn precision, both verbally and in writing. Now, let us get to the more substantive aspect of my response to your diatribe. Consider it a one time dispensation, if you might.
What Black Man has taken your name from you and made you take his? What Black Man has invaded the cold, dank, musty continent known as Europe and called it his own? What Black man has lynched pasty faced white boys? What Black Man has told you to "pledge allegiance" to his flag? What Black man has relegated you to the back of the bus and told you to enter the rear of the restaurant? How many Black police officers routinely gun down Europeans? Where did the European's so-called "wealth" come from? Where did the "Crown Jewels" come from? How did capitalism start? Who was the "capital?" When in the history of the world did Black Men get paid for raping European women? What Black Man has forbade you to speak your native tongue? What Black Man has taken your religions? Frankly, were it not for the Black Man and ALKEBULAN, your pale ass would still be marrying your sisters (of course, you still do that), living in caves, wearing animal skins, eating with your hands and shitting in bushes.
Mr. don't ever, again, get on this thread and expectorate that false equivalency white supremacist bullshit made with straw man, unverifiable Youtube arguments. If you want to spout that good ole country boy, redneck, inbred hick excrement, there are plenty of other places for you to do so This is not that place, and I will be happy to unsubscribe you.
I want you to know this work of yours is very important to me. In 67 years I figure I have unlearned a tenth of the bigotry I soaked up unconsciously before I turned six. I will stop trying the minute I stop breathing, promise.
You would think hearing all this pain would make me angry or sad, or make me look away, but I need to hear it. It is affirmation to me; it affirms my sense that injustice lurks out of my view around every corner, my suspicion that the theft is ongoing and getting worse, my certainty that my life progress has been charmed by the color of my skin and the wealth I have inherited with it.
Thanks for dealing with the honky dumbass, too.
Goodwill in the bond of peace, at least until the day of reckoning.
I don't have much of a family; no siblings. My children are grown and living their own lives. Just a few days ago, I realized that my subscribers have become my family. As such, I want to help my family members; I want to protect them (as best I might) and teach them as they teach me and " I will stop trying the minute I stop breathing, promise."
As a family member, you will forgive my shameless plagiarism but, sometimes, a man says something better than the man that should have said it. Besides, it ain't plagiarism because I am publicly giving you credit for it.
All of you are important gifts to me. Of course, in all families there's that "special" one. I just wish your name was Ed, so I could call you Special Ed.
As always, your post was intense and painful truth. And, once again, one word touched me deeply, decency. I realized if there had been even a modicum of decency in the colonies, the merchant on the first ship marketing slaves would have met with arrest instead of financial reward and his human cargo either returned home or invited to remain as equals not to serve as free labor for an eternity. It’s way past time for us to own our shit.
I really, really admire you, Mr. Bee. Your knowledge and intellectual candor; your ability to acknowledge truth without self-deprecation is indicative of a level of maturity that I strive for.
Anecdotally, let me tell you that you have inspired Friday's article on, of all things (especially coming from me), Jesus.
Having said that, beware for I am full of surprises.
Very few things in life destroy both the victim and the perpertrater in life, but this cancer on society of white supremacy has already once decimated this country. The next attempt to excise the tumor is going to be a giant awakening.
The man will not correct himself, which is why he can not save himself.
Mr. Kenyatta,
Your words come off the screen like a left-hook! Since I’m in Hawaii I must sat that your punch is not like the ‘sting of a bee’ but more like the bite of a centipede—it is far worse and lasts much longer. I know you will not stop and for that I thank you.
A Hui Hou.
Too late to stop now, Jimbo. For, if I might be momentarily trite, the die has been...caste.
When I say it is always an honor to hear from you, I mean it from both the top and bottom of my heart, because you have been with me and supported me since ground zero.
Aloha, brother.
Methinks you have answered your own query, mate.
Is this to all white men without exemption? of course it has to be, because every white man bears the guilt, don't they?
Oh, I don't think it will come by its own hands..
Nope, and surprise is the element of attack.
Rarely, am I relegated to speechlessness.
You are one of few that have relegated me to same and it would be fascinating to observe what your European brethren have to say in response to your commentary. I hope there are those courageous enough to do so.
I would proffer from your unsparing candor that you may have an extra chromosome lacking in the majority of your brethren.
My handlers, mentors and the few in my small circle have admonished me to never, ever look at, or respond, to comments. I refuse to not engage the people that think what I do is important enough to read. The soothsayers can kiss my freckle faced brown ass, on that for the writer writes to be read.
Having said that, starkly though 'tis, you are despite whatever anthropological and genealogical anomalies exist, part of the human family. I admire your passion, your candor and your intellect and, indeed, the European appears genetically inclined to be a vicious soul. However, you are still part of humanity; and we all have family members we'd just assume eradicate.
Think of that last "Thanksgiving" dinner where Mom sat down at the table with her brother, Uncle Festus, that she (and everybody else) knew sexually abused her daughters (son's as well) and blamed them for it. That shit happens in "U.S." (or "y'all") every goddamned day. That is why a reckoning cometh nigh. Nonetheless, self-flagellation is not the answer. People like you are the answer.
Excuse me.
First off, let me inform you that I say exactly what I mean. Whatever white supremacist, paternalistic urge makes you feel you are qualified to tell me what my words mean, in your own, is cowardly. I communicate with brutal goddamn precision, both verbally and in writing. Now, let us get to the more substantive aspect of my response to your diatribe. Consider it a one time dispensation, if you might.
What Black Man has taken your name from you and made you take his? What Black Man has invaded the cold, dank, musty continent known as Europe and called it his own? What Black man has lynched pasty faced white boys? What Black Man has told you to "pledge allegiance" to his flag? What Black man has relegated you to the back of the bus and told you to enter the rear of the restaurant? How many Black police officers routinely gun down Europeans? Where did the European's so-called "wealth" come from? Where did the "Crown Jewels" come from? How did capitalism start? Who was the "capital?" When in the history of the world did Black Men get paid for raping European women? What Black Man has forbade you to speak your native tongue? What Black Man has taken your religions? Frankly, were it not for the Black Man and ALKEBULAN, your pale ass would still be marrying your sisters (of course, you still do that), living in caves, wearing animal skins, eating with your hands and shitting in bushes.
Mr. don't ever, again, get on this thread and expectorate that false equivalency white supremacist bullshit made with straw man, unverifiable Youtube arguments. If you want to spout that good ole country boy, redneck, inbred hick excrement, there are plenty of other places for you to do so This is not that place, and I will be happy to unsubscribe you.
Why, you uppity thang.
I want you to know this work of yours is very important to me. In 67 years I figure I have unlearned a tenth of the bigotry I soaked up unconsciously before I turned six. I will stop trying the minute I stop breathing, promise.
You would think hearing all this pain would make me angry or sad, or make me look away, but I need to hear it. It is affirmation to me; it affirms my sense that injustice lurks out of my view around every corner, my suspicion that the theft is ongoing and getting worse, my certainty that my life progress has been charmed by the color of my skin and the wealth I have inherited with it.
Thanks for dealing with the honky dumbass, too.
Goodwill in the bond of peace, at least until the day of reckoning.
I don't have much of a family; no siblings. My children are grown and living their own lives. Just a few days ago, I realized that my subscribers have become my family. As such, I want to help my family members; I want to protect them (as best I might) and teach them as they teach me and " I will stop trying the minute I stop breathing, promise."
As a family member, you will forgive my shameless plagiarism but, sometimes, a man says something better than the man that should have said it. Besides, it ain't plagiarism because I am publicly giving you credit for it.
All of you are important gifts to me. Of course, in all families there's that "special" one. I just wish your name was Ed, so I could call you Special Ed.