The 12 Days of Krampas Trumpmas-Christmas
A Present For All Snowflakes Awaiting The Fat White Boy Painted Orange Coming Down Your Chimney Tonight...Tomorrow, Too
Exactly 13 months ago (Thirteen being Bad Luck) I wrote a ditty titled The 12 Days of Trumpmas. It was not, even remotely, intended to be tongue-in-cheek, let alone humorous. It was meant to be what it was, and what it is. An ominous depiction of the status quo (at the time) and a damning portent of what lies ahead.
Triple “A” is what will destroy the United States. It is written. Many just can’t read. In the United States, 21% of adults have low literacy skills, meaning they have difficulty completing tasks like comparing and contrasting information. This is compared to 5% in Japan and 11% in Finland.
The average American reads at a 7th- to 8th-grade level. This number is astronomically higher (in the negative) for Black People in the United States; which is by design, law, and institution. Were that fact to be turned upon its head, the United States would be unrecognizable. That is why it persists.
I do not refer to the traditional militaristic association with the term “Triple A” (Anti-Aircraft Artillery). I refer to Arrogance, Apathy and Apartheid. All of which are embodied, this “joyous season,” in Donald Trump. However, let me be crystal clear, Trump is not the disease; he is the embodiment of it. He is a symptom of it, as are the rest of us.
Dis-eases always have pathologies and, thusly, symptoms.
Shadow President
An object that does not let light pass through it is required to block the light and create a shadow. Think of a bipedal, orange “object.” For the past decade, not a single day has gone by when Donald Trump has not dominated the news. Not a single day.
In fact, Donald Trump has become an economic engine in that many political pundits, journalists, broadcasters and the media at large would be economically destitute absent Trump. Think long and hard about the inconvenient truth stated. Because even if you don’t…he does.
Given the millions, if not billions spent on Trump, it would be a more than intelligent assumption to say that the entire U.S. government has been compromised and extorted by Trump. And you’d best believe Trump is running things. Even before his inauguration, for the second time.
But, I harbor no anger towards him. Though hardly surprised, I am angered at the cowardly, dumbass populace that allowed it. Matter of fact, I predicted it…both times as I know these M.F.’s are stupid. Dangerously and existentially so, given I have 500 years of collective experience to substantiate my accusation. I don’t want anyone to necessarily like me, I want them to argue with me and they can not predicated upon facts. They never do, for they know that is the road to perdition.
Trump's father Fred was the son of German so-called immigrants. Trump has a well known affection for Adolph Hitler. Purportedly, Donald Trump's late first wife Ivana Trump told Vanity Fair that her former spouse used to keep a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet.
During this “joyous season” and pursuant to Deutschland lore, exists an entity named Krampus. Krampus is the devilish companion of St. Nicholas (aka Santa Claus). While St. Nicholas rewards good children with presents, Krampus punishes bad children with branches, sticks, or by eating them or taking them to hell.
This stuff gives me a boner.
So, in the “Spirit of Christmas” and for yet a second time, I bestow upon you my iteration of the 12 Days of Trumpmas consistent with the irreverent bastard that is I.
Make sure you read the first as a frame of chronological reference and, perhaps, clarity shall visit thee.
The 12 Days of Krampas Trumpmas- Christmas
On the First day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
A tale of white supremacy.
On the Second day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Trump's second coming (Hold On, I'm Coming!)
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Third day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Fourth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Fifth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Sixth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Seventh day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Eighth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Genocide in Gaza,
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Ninth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
World War Three pending,
Genocide in Gaza,
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Tenth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Weird drones a-flying,
World War Three pending,
Genocide in Gaza,
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Eleventh day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
The ghost of Grover Cleveland,
Weird drones a-flying,
World War Three pending,
Genocide in Gaza,
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
On the Twelfth day of Trumpmas the U.S. brought to me
Chaos a-coming,
The ghost of Grover Cleveland,
Weird drones a-flying,
World War Three pending,
Genocide in Gaza,
Senile Joe Biden,
Marjorie Taylor,
Matt Gaetz the pervert,
Craven "progressives,"
Kamala Harris,
Trump's second coming
and a tale of white supremacy.
Well said my friend. I can only add this Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la.
You remind me of William Blake & his guerrilla war against the British Empire. The British Empire is long gone and totally discredited but Blake's spirit lives on. Your guerrilla war against the apathy & apartheid of the American Empire displays the same sort of eloquence.