Well said my friend. I can only add this Fa-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la.

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Same to ya, Brother Joel.

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You remind me of William Blake & his guerrilla war against the British Empire. The British Empire is long gone and totally discredited but Blake's spirit lives on. Your guerrilla war against the apathy & apartheid of the American Empire displays the same sort of eloquence.

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Wow, rarely am I relegated to speechlessness.

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I must then read Blake (again). You are talking about William Blake,the eschatological poet adored by evangelicals. I was never quite sure myself in my college days st s Christian U. if I agreed with their interpretation. But then I never knew how to interpret any flights of eschatology so I might need guidance.

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80 million eligible voters did not vote????

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What does that say about your system, Thom?

Either that statistic is a lie, or there is a lack of confidence because people know your elections are bovine feces.

Which is it?

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you know I have been ill, but I have been listening to some younger (25-35) conversation, who had come to visit my sickbed. Not eighty million, maybe eight.. .the consensus was it mattered not who they voted for...

of course I believe everything matters, even not mattering matters...

but now I hope for the worse from Trump, so everything will matter and in the next incarnation, Phoenix rises and no one is supreme, we can begin to all matter.

And Mr. Kenyatta probably shrugs at my naivety. But look to 1177 BCE, it took almost a century before supremacy reared its head again. Look at the Mayan empire,they tore their empire in the tenth century and it never rose at all in any real sense until the Spanish conquistadors.

So let me have my naivety and hope Trump just tears everything to pieces and we all tear down every inferior supremacist. We can tear down the walls of the Bastille once more without perhaps killing each other off trying to be the new Supreme.

That is always the trick to the revolution; don't replace the Superior, just end their Reign of attempting to classify everyone to be as inferior as they.

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Billionaires MSM is bovine ape ship

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Thirteen is a lucky number. It was the number valued by women of old and their covens. When the church decided that single women should not own property, these women were declared witches and their cats were evil and their lucky number was excoriated. Still today some male persons are saying that 13 is unlucky. Please read up on how such an anti-feminist idea got started.

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I tend not to leave lengthy comments to subscribers, especially ones I am unfamiliar with. However, in your case, I must violate that rule because, you see, the gist of your comment is reminiscent of several I have received from European-American women in the recent past. I have no greater appreciation for misandry than I do misogyny and the Black Man in the United States has been misandrized by every asshole in it...especially white women.

Clearly you are unfamiliar with my writing, philosophy and style. IF you were you would have realized that my reference to 13 being bad luck was sardonic in as much as it was a trap. But, first, let us digress for a few tics.

Out of that entire essay, what you found most prominent was your manufactured, unresponsive and erroneous inference to "anti-feminism" which has zero to do with the content. In terms of the content, the article itself, the overarching message of white supremacy bothered you not. Its damnation of the sorry state of affairs, both domestically and globally, bothered you not. The fact that you are directly staring at a nuclear conflagration, in the midst of genocide, bothered you not.

So, you decided to focus on the minutia of triskaidekaphobia in an attempt, wittingly or unwittingly, to put me on the defensive. Look and listen, dear: I don't do defense, I do offense. Why? Because you M.F.'S trained me and you should be proud of your creation.

Triskaidekaphobia is, like so many of the world's maladies, a European concoction. Oh, and it is widespread which is why no planes, trains, buses or any other transport is ever numbered 13. It is also why a forty story building never has a "13th" floor (it is always called the "Garden" or "promenade" floor or some other avoidant term).

Then, you let your white supremacist freak-flag fly when you state "The Church." Whose church? And how many freckled, brown faced M.F.'s like me were a part of it and its decision making (accepting your proffer on face value)? Further, as A BLACK MAN in the United States, I could supremely (pardon the pun) argue that 13 has been a most unlucky number for those like me. To the 13 colonies from which our kidnapping, rape, enslavement and murder was/is resultant, to the 13 "pales" on YOUR "Star Spangled Banner," to the just-a-goddamned-coincidence 13th Amendment of YOUR "Constitution" that STILL legalizes slavery for those that look like me. Because, you see, WE are disproportionately representative of that group. Ergo, I suggest you "read up" (or down) on THAT.

Here is a start for you, compliments of the chef.


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Kenyatta, you do make a lot of sense. That orange comb over Caligula's election was inevitable due in part to American reading at a 7th- to 8th-grade level rings true to me. Religious types have always wanted to keep their women "barefoot and pregnant." And the billionaires have figured out that a largely uneducated population can easily be manipulated. Give them bread and circus has also been their playbook since Roman days and before. DJT gives them plenty of that. And so we are where we are. Happy Holidays.

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"orange comb over Caligula's..."


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Mr. Kenyatta, I confess that I borrowed that label from John Fugelsang. But it cuts to the truth. Note that Presidante elect got very angry when President Biden commuted nearly all Federal inmates on death row to life. Mr T wanted to order their executions, and I believe he does it with glee. It's also no coincidence that most of those condemned to death are on the higher end of the melanin scale.

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"It's also no coincidence that most of those condemned to death are on the higher end of the melanin scale."

The hell you say, matey!

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