You write facts with great emotion. It is the confrontation of the emotions in the reader with the facts you present that is what makes you words such a powerful must for everyone to read.

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Thank you, TUO.

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Rohn, I’ve been meaning to comment, but it turns out that an 85- and 82-year-old on a long driving vacation consumes a lot of time that workdays don’t. It’s bothered me because your last four or five posts have been extremely painful and angering truth.

The post on slavery was the most disturbing. How on earth can anyone put something like that behind them and “just let it go” or “I didn’t own slaves?” What disgusting statements.

And the advertisement by Jefferson to sell his slaves after his death was disturbing, even though I already knew his background. How can that not move so many people? I don’t know the answer, but something from my youth came to me. It was something I said, perhaps too often, “own your shit.” I believe it to be a critical lesson, one that is seriously lacking in our country. We want others to “just let it go,” but are unwilling to own our shit and its way past the time to do that.

We sometimes work like hell fixing things that shouldn’t need fixing. The “Voting Rights Act” was critically important, and it took many people doing a hell of a lot of hard work to give people rights they should have already had.

I’m always glad for my good luck in finding your Substack and I tell many others about it, but I’m fairly certain that your level of truth is often too much for some, but that’s their loss.

I can’t imagine how you maintain your cynical optimism. Perhaps I’m just cynical, but I see little positive change in my lifetime even if I’m fortunate enough to see a hundred.


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Ownership is key in the maturation process and I am able to maintain some semblance of sanity by the affirmation I receive from very intelligent people like this guy I know named Bill "BB" Benitez.

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Aug 3Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

I have no comment on this superb post, but just read this on fakebook, and thought again of what you wrote here:

“When it comes to Kamala Harris, black is the new orange.”

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I sincerely hope you're wrong about the US getting what it deserves. I'd like to still be able to visit every year or so.

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It is what it is JDP.

Don't shoot the messenger.

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No shooting from here, I agree with you. I just hope we're wrong about what's coming for us all.

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Jul 30Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Our Nation puts "optics"ahead of courage & truth, some folks (Euro/American) think societal ascension belongs only to them. ~ (how arrogant this is)

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Thread apology, I meant for general comment? 👈

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I can dig it.

Even if the hole is for meself to be buried in.

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I recall some of the backlash from the airing of the laundry detergent ad when it ran in Thailand.

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