The Specter of Trump's Reelection May Lead to What He Calls a Bloodbath...
But there is something far worse than his reelection that could occur.
I will begin this treatise by stating what I have stated many, many times in the past eight years: Donald Trump is not the disease he is a symptom of it. The United States has been heading to Donald Trump, and all that he represents, from its inception. Ergo, if it were not Trump himself, at this point in time, it would be Trump cloaked in a different personage which is why he has millions of clones.
Linger long, but die you must.
The failure of the U.S. populace to recognize that Trump is merely a cancerous tumor guarantees continued, and perpetual, metastasization. Cancer is something I am familiar with, and I am always amazed at how few people know what the term really means, including cancer patients. Those patients suffering from physical cancer are at least aware they are sick. However, the societal cancer ward that is the United States is filled with patients that not only are unaware of their terminal illness they think they are in good health.
The word cancer has its origin in the Greek word karkinos, which means "a crab." The word was later used in Old English to refer to a spreading sore. Those familiar with the zodiac know that the sign of Cancer is, indeed, a crab.
A Spreading Sore
Donald Trump frightens a lot of people. His unbridled Anti-Blackism and overall racism frightens many. His illiteracy and idiocy, frightens many. His talk of “shooting shoplifters on site,” frightens many. His talk of indemnifying police frightens many. His talk of abolishing the Department of Education, frightens many. His proposals, policies, beliefs and resultant rhetoric frightens many. The most frightening thing of all, to some, is that many millions are not frightened by him. In fact, they believe him to anointed by God.
In lies we trust.
The most dangerous animal in the world, is a frightened one. This is particularly true if the animal in question is a human. No matter what happens in the upcoming election there will be no winning for the society at large, there will only be degrees of losing. No matter who “wins” there will be chaos.
There will be recriminations by one political reprobate to another. Donald Trump has promised a “bloodbath” if he loses the election, which is without question considering people have already died because of him. However, there is an even greater likelihood of a bloodbath if he wins.
Nonetheless, there is one thing that would be far, far worse than either and it is quite possible. That would be the assassination of a high-profile politician in either branch of government or, absit omen, either candidate, especially Trump. Think long and hard about what I am presenting to you, here.
Political assassination is fairly unusual in most of the world. It should surprise no one reading this article that the nation that leads in political assassinations is the same nation that purveys violence across the globe, is the world's number-one arms dealer, has more guns than it does people and has almost two mass shootings per day. The United States, by far, leads the globe in political assassinations.
Depending on what statistics one tortures the only nation close is China (with about the same amount). However, one must not catch one fooling oneself in immediately adopting some false equivalency in this regard. You see China is 3,500 years old, the United States is a mere fraction of that age. It is of particular intrigue that the nations that have had the most political assassinations are those that have either been victims of colonialization or tainted, at one time or another, by the United States and/or "western culture.” Click Here
For months I have put off writing a column about the coming political assassinations. Mainly because of the pervasive, government sanctioned silencing of anyone who dares employ the lost art and science of critical thought, particularly in the political realm. In my time on Earth, I have never seen the level of thought, speech and literary suppression that currently exists. It is most ominous, while conjunctively being nothing less than spectacular.
In any event, I must remain true to self and the fact of the matter is the world is in turmoil. The turmoil is not a result of any one event, or a singular person and it has been centuries in the making. But it does have one origin and anyone too dull to know exactly what it is I am stating is too dull to need to know; and likely does not care.
The world is trying to right itself; it is in search of justice. It is just a matter of time before there is a political assassination in the United States. I speak of months, not years, and when it does occur it will have devastating consequences. Every intelligent person knows it but is too craven to state it.
Like a bullet-train in a cosmic tunnel, humanity has entered a new Dark Age and the United States is the locomotive; for what was to come has arrived. The train has left the station and there is no turning back. The only thing more disturbing than a psychopath is one that is unaware that they are ill.
I hope that the world will come through its impending cataclysm a better one in which peace reigns over violence, justice reigns over coercion and supremacy, law reigns over rules, thought reigns over idiocy, decency reigns over money and, more than anything, respect reigns overall. If this does not happen, it will not matter for humanity will extinguish itself. Perhaps, that is its destiny.
“Donald Trump is not the disease he is a symptom of it. The United States has been heading to Donald Trump, and all that he represents, from its inception. Ergo, if it were not Trump himself, at this point in time, it would be Trump cloaked in a different personage which is why he has millions of clones…However, the societal cancer ward that is the United States is filled with patients that not only are unaware of their terminal illness they think they are in good health”
May I throw the compliment you recently termed on me back at you?
The author is brilliant and masterful and understands exactly what no one seems to quite. understand.
And they won't even consider the diagnosis!