Rohn, we're never going to agree on voting, and as we've both said repeatedly it's because your experience is FAR different, and FAR FAR worse, than mine. Nobody has ever tried to prevent me from voting, or purged my voter registration, or even asked me for "state-issued ID" in order to vote, nor have they asked done that to any member of my family.

::looks at my very light beige skin::

I have no idea WHY that might be, of course....

Thing is, I am voting, and I'm voting for Kamala Harris because She's Not Donald Trump. I think I know some of the reasons you're not, and wouldn't when it comes to her specifically:

• Going HARD against pot after it was decriminalized in the mid-1970s, when I lived in California, is something I'd expect from a Bigoted Far-Right Republican like former LA Police Chief Ed Davis rather than a Black Woman Democrat like Harris;

• Even CONTEMPLATING throwing single-mothers of truant children in jail for their kids' truancy is not only heartless, it's going to pile on top of the reasons why those children are truant in the first place; and

• A big part of me STILL wants to know, "What the Hell, Kamala?" about her backing off prosecuting Steve Mnuchin when he was on OneWest's Board of Directors, and responsible for aggressive foreclosing on houses owned by minorities—then taking political contributions from him!

And I reiterate—"What the HELL, Kamala?!?!?!?"

If the alternative were not "Dictator On Day One" Donald Trump, the Lord High Seditionist who got his mob to attack the Capitol because Congress wouldn't take his slate of fake electors instead of the ones we voted on? I'd be seriously questioning Harris's suitability myself....

But the alternative IS Trump, so I'd vote for any Democrat this side of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mistress of NeoLib Evil and the reason I became an Independent, to see Agolf Shitler kicked out of power and on his way to prison for the rest of his miserable life. But that's me—your mileage may vary.

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Some disturbing remembrance of you so ever haunts me, as having said these words pertinent to one of your comments in the past and wildly true with this one:

'Tis sublime."

Neither criticism nor compliment and I hope like hell you are laughing (and maybe a few other people, we need to laugh, now). Because many, many a tear cometh brother. My ache is not my own, my ache is for my children; yours, too.

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congrats--she did win. I think Harris is promising more than she can deliver.

But just to note, I am never decided until I cast my ballot. Not for president. I decided in 1984 to not vote for presidents. But I research very assiduously all of my local candidates and after I know who is running, I very decidedly decline to make up my mind after checking out their background and then comparing their 'promises' to their history.

But president who cares? Unless there was a decided difference in the offering, say a Bernie Sanders...well...as you say, the slate at the time is a blank slate.

However, there's a bit of a lie to the above. In 2020 when I was in the hospital from mid -Oct til just before Christmas, the ballot fairy cast my mail-in ballot for Trump. Even though I had previously warned that I have in my lifetime been very "fortunate" to never cast my ballot for a winning candidate in any federal or statewide contest.

No candidate should ever want this old fool's endorsement.

But I'm still hoping for a democratic congressional and state landslide to give them a final chance to quit piddling around with silliness and address justice and the eco-political reform to readdress the real issues before it is too late.

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" I think Harris is promising more than she can deliver."

And "congrats" to you, matey, but it's already "too late."

You are experienced enough to know it is.

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I’m still naive enough to hope you and I are both wrong.

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FAT chance.

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Having carefully given sufficient time for your suck-ups, panderers, and patronizers to angle for their desperately needed pats on the head, I’ll take a turn.

I wouldn’t cast your vote for either of these idiots if I could buy it off of you, man.

Trump is an insult to every redneck, long may they adore him. Harris is an insult to <everybody> else.

This, THIS piece of excreta is what we’re offered as a black woman candidate for president? A woman who had to suck her way up the ladder to become a prostituting attorney in the first place? A bizarrely inarticulate tosser of word salad nonsense? I would’ve thought Democult shitlibs needed a break from pretending not to see a president’s cognitive incapacity. She’s more of an insult to Black womanhood than Hillary was to white. Like Hillary, a slavering venal obedience to her betters is the woman’s sole qualification for public life at any level. Seems our masters prefer inferiority to be the prime characteristic of their house servants these days.

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And the winner of this year's Golden-NWords Award is... Satiricus!

"prostituting attorney."

Marvelous! Simply marvelous.

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Aww, you shouldn’t have!

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Most certainly I will live to regret it.

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Ergo, he came into the front door walking out of the back door.

That's failing by any standard, for him...👈

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Interesting that you so readily identified the intentional, yet hidden, irony.

Going to have to keep eyes on you :)

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Yes! "Trump took a dump." You nailed it Kenyatta. And yes, we know debates don't ultimately make much if any difference in the election outcome. Let's hope at least a few of all those white people who have been voting for the orange turd come to their senses this November. Maybe the Swifties with break that generational chain.

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Barely 60% of eligible voters in the United States participate. They are that jaundiced and jaded. Secondly, of those that do participate, especially us Black Ones, we are purged, nullified and eliminated. Do you realize who and what I am and how you sound or are you, for whatever reason, incapable of doing so?

The fact that a non-vote is, in itself, a vote, notwithstanding here is a direct quote from the article that you commented upon: " Anyone that is going to go through the Mephisto motions of voting (and only for the third time in my life will I be one of them, for my own reasons)" Ergo, I do not "almost" understand, I completely don't.

I "almost" thank you for both your comment and readership.

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