Trump's Manifest Destiny: Spooked Honky Crackers and Other Niggers
A Definition of Terms and the Manifest Destiny of Stepin Fetchit-Snowflakes
I perpetually, unrelentingly, unmercifully and torturously marvel at the supercilious, and perfunctory disingenuousness exhibited by white supremacy; particularly when it comes to Black People in the United States. A social inversion layer assigned to no other in which insult is a transvestite of compliment and everyone, no matter stripes, engages in it. With respect to the many European-American subscribers to this publication that will swear on a stack of bibles that they are Democrats, Progressives or “liberals,” I am willing to bet that 99% percent of them have used the word Nigger in their lifetimes. Should this not be true, they might ask themselves the pathology of my supreme confidence and why it is fortified by the knowledge that most that look like me would make the very same assertion.
Some will “cancel” me, not realizing that being “cancelled” is part of my existence and has been for 500 years. They will feign offense and righteous indignation at the use of the word Nigger in the title, but will effusively recount their trip to the Alkebulanian country renamed (by European murderers and thieves) N-I-G-E-R. Then, in the prevailing white supremacist, malignant intellectual vacancy and denial pronounce it “nee-jer” with absolute confidence that I am too fucking stupid to make the linguistic connection a three year old could make.
They will say “N-Word” as though they are so appalled by it. Yet, it is a word from which they profit from song to wrong, and from film to whim. I’ll elucidate more about my recent experience with what is known as “binge watching” sooner than later. And although there a thousand ways to say Nigger, the purist sticks with classicism.
White supremacy is not a thing, it is a state of mind accompanied by symbology of all forms. If you were aware of your state of mind, no matter what you physically resemble, you would not be a white supremacist and you are woefully unequipped to evaluate yourself with any modicum of credibility as to whether or not you are. The mere fact that you think you can is the very essence of white supremacy. Only the smartest among you will fully understand the meaning of what was just stated and I am unconcerned with those who cannot as I am of no value to them, nor they to me.
Resultant of a prevailing plethora of unusual circumstances I will be writing a number of related pieces in the next 48 hours. Neither incessant power outages nor hurricane force Santa Ana winds shall deter me. I respect “inboxes” and have always been cautioned not to inundate the audience, modality be damned. It does not require a mental giant to comprehend why that is sage advice.
Thusly, I have always been wary of publishing too often. This material rule of thumb and fact notwithstanding, it will be suspended from today through the insult known as “Black History Month.” I trust that what I put forth in that time will explain the anomaly referenced.
Amerikan iconography is littered with racist and, particularly, Anti-Blackist terms that most of its illiterate population is ignorant of and to. That ignorance, unlike most ignorance, is not benign, it is malignant. As in cancer. A brutal disregard that belies the cheap meaningless platitudes of its superficial societal ether propagated by a desensitized populace.
Lugubriously it is an inherent, willful socio-political carcinogen that, in the final analysis, reflects a shallow, immoral and intellectually vacant society which codifies certitude by lying to itself. All the while willing to persecute those that become angered by being lied to by it and have the temerity to confront it. Delusionality to oneself is quite a different matter than insisting that others be equally delusional; because now one becomes schizophrenic. An existential problem dangerously exacerbated when global demographics are realized. Domestically applied it is perilous beyond my desire to articulate at the moment. Besides, I need not if you have ever read an American History textbook or, perhaps, even taken a class in your own “his” story.
Let alone mine.
Donald Trump: The 45th, 46th and 47th President of The “US”
Monday, January 20, 2025, on so-called “MLK Day” (as in Martin Luther King), the 47th president of the United States was inaugurated. The 47th was also the 45th. Were he the narrator (and perhaps he stands a remote chance of being correct) he is also the 46th. The fact that Agent Orange (aka Donald J. Trump) would be inaugurated on a day that lukewarmly acknowledges an iconic public figure was air-sickness bag revolting. The only thing I could think of that would be more absurd would be to have had his inauguration on, albeit vicarious, Malcom X Day.
In his inaugural address, he spoke of the greatness of the United States (US) and “it’s our Manifest Destiny.” Pursuant to this divine and ordained privilege, he spoke of “expanding our territory.” A statement that, by utterance alone, is as dangerous as it is ominous. He spoke of how the European-American “tamed” wilderness and said “we ended slavery” in the same breath. Given I am an ancestrally double savage, the ironic oration was breath taking.
Since the MLK holiday was first observed in 1986, it has twice fallen on January 20, the date of any presidential inauguration set forth by the Twentieth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In yet another Twilight Zone type irony, the only other time the two occurred at the same time was in 1997 during the second inauguration of then-President Bill Clinton. January 20th, 20th Amendment, King, Clinton and Trump. Any ability to reconcile these facts, in anyone’s mind, is prima facie evidence of why they can not be reconciled with.
Don’t shoot the messenger because we look in words here.
Words often have dire consequences no matter if spoken or written, though I will be the first to acquiesce that the written word is far more lethal for a myriad of reasons. More people have been either liberated or enslaved, saved or murdered by the literary jurist, scribe and orator than all of the swords, tanks, bombs, bullets, electric chairs, gas chambers, guillotines, lynchings, prisons and holocausts combined. For the words create the other things.
Birth of a Nation: Manifest Destiny
The term "manifest destiny" is offensive to Black People in the United States because it was, and is, historically used to justify the expansion of the United States at the expense of Original Americans and kidnapped enslaved Alkebulanians. Similar to and consistent with the European constructs of race alongside property/land ownership, this concept was rooted in the belief that European-Amerikans (”white” people) were divinely ordained to expand across the continent, which led to the displacement and suffering of non-European-Amerikan communities. It also played the principal role in justifying slavery, the oppression of Black People in the United States and the resultant apartheid system. The term is a vicious reminder of the systemic racism and violence that has been inflicted upon these communities throughout history
Manifest Destiny is alluded to in D.W. Griffith's film "The Birth of a Nation.” To this very day, Birth of a Nation remains one of the most popular films in the history of the United States despite its highly racist content. It was a massive commercial success upon release, grossing more than any previous film and significantly influenced American culture and the film industry. Ruminate on the fact for a while.
The film depicts the westward movement of white “settlers” (a term I adore) as a natural and necessary progression aligning with the idea of Manifest Destiny, that the U.S. (“The US”) was destined to expand across the continent and, ultimately, the entire world as is evidenced in the so-called Monroe Doctrine. Let us not forget that the United States has approximately 800 military bases in at least 90 countries. However, the exact number is difficult to determine because the “US” Department of Defense doesn't release official figures.
Stepin Fetchit Spooks and Hornblowing Crackers
In the 1930’s, Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry was one of few Black Actors in Hollywood playing comedic roles in which he began to become known under the nickname of ‘the Laziest Man in the World’. The character, Stepin Fetchit, epitomized the Black stereotype of a shiftless, lazy servant of low intelligence and was later (of course) criticized as being a racist stereotype. As is the case with every other industry in the United States, past and present, Europeans dominated the industry; particularly certain Europeans. Rising through the ranks of the industry during a decade that continued to flaunt black-face in popular media, with the likes of Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Buster Keaton and Judy Garland each employing and reveling in the degenerate imagery, it is allegedly disputed whether Perry was a help or hindrance to the depiction of black people in cinema. No dispute from this paltry soul.
That was p-a-l-t-r-y, not poultry, lest I be indicted for stealing a goddamned chicken though, at this juncture, it matters not.
As an informal noun, a spook is a ghost or a specter. As a verb, to “spook” means to to haunt; inhabit or appear in or to as a ghost or specter. As a slang term and apartheidal insult referring to a Black Person in the United States, the term spook dates back to the Stepin Fetchit’s heyday. It is used with disparaging intent and is perceived as highly insulting. Black pilots who trained at Tuskegee Institute during World War II were called the Spookwaffe. Some sources say that black pilots reclaimed this derogatory nickname as a self-referential term of pride.
The previous definitions of “spook” as an informal noun, verb, slang term and, thusly, colloquialism are all definitions assigned by Europeans. When I can be the sole arbiter of the definition of terms it is child’s play for me to control the narrative and is inherently anemic of any intellectual superiority on my behalf. This is particularly so if the language of which I define and control is foreign to others due to untranslatability.
Did I mention we look inwards here?
Or was that in words?
Now, I shall provide you with a gift. The mind toy of alternative thought and perception. Because after all, is perception not reality? Ultimately you are reading this article because you are intellectually curious, if not courageous and malleable. Ergo, you desire to have your mind expanded. Whatever masochism that may be present, however excruciating the expansion, your genetic and cerebral makeup prefers the pain of cerebral expansion as opposed to shrinkage. As such, we are kindred spirits; and that is the limit of any good news I have pertinent to this mission.
A century before the aforementioned European-American definitions of “spook” and its attributing chronology, spook was actually used by Black People in the United States to refer to white people, presumably on the notion of “white” ghosts. This, again, is the inversion layer that the European linguistically weaponizes. Turn upside down and inside out through morphing definitions. Stay with me on this one and you will learn something.
Long before Stepin Fetchit and WWII, Black People referred to the European-American as a “spook.” For example: The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1865 during Reconstruction in the devastated South. Various historians have characterized the Klan as Amerika's first terrorist group. The KKK wore white pajamas and white pillow cases over their heads to terrorize Black People in the United States and ritualistically burned huge crosses when they murdered, raped, lynched and bombed their victims. The symbology of the cross was more than a notion.
It is a well known adage that “the white man comes with a bible in one hand, and a gun in the other.” This was paraphrased in a 2008 speech when, then, presidential candidate Barack Obama angered many European-Americans by stating "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Hundreds of years before the official KKK and in order to fully subjugate kidnapped and enslaved Alkebulanians, the European demanded that they be Christian. A theology that used a white Jesus as principal imagery was “crucified” on a cross and he died “for your sins”… Nigger. To this very day I know of many Black People in the United States (BPITUS) that speak of “the Holy Ghost” and I am sickened each time I hear it because I realize they are as much slaves today as they were then. Incapable of realizing they have been spooked by the spook; then called one.
The term “cracker” like so many other terms of which an illiterate and miseducated populace is ignorant to, has nothing to do with white Saltine crackers. You’d be astonished to know how many automatically think that. Many European-Americans are proud of the term. Allow my self-serving elucidation.
A “cracker” references the crack of a whip. If you were an enslaved Alkebulanian, the “crack” of a whip meant impending doom. So, if you cracked the whip, you were a “cracker” and thus pride. Cracker.
The term “Honky” I have found that very, very few people know the origins of and it is my divine pleasure to enlighten. Since the first Alkebulanian “Negress” (as in animal, as in tigress or lioness) appeared on the shores of the alien landscape known as North America, they were raped and used for capital. They were, quite literally, the mothers of capitalism as an economic theory. Point blank.
White boys have always lusted for the Alkebulanian woman given she was easy prey considering she was not a human. A legacy that continues in many ways, shapes and forms to the present time. The infinite statistics bear this out from how police handle rape cases involving Black Women in the United States, to breast cancer deaths and infant mortality.
A century ago, when cars became commonplace, segregation, Jim Crow, Black Codes and “sundowner laws” were equally common across the “US.” Black People in the United States were relegated to undesirable areas (much as it exists today) and had symbols of apartheid to inform them of where their “place” was and to also caution whites to where they ought not reside/visit. Despite the narrator’s narration of the “US,” the north was, and is, just as racist as the south as is the east and the west.
However, the south was much more blatant in its racism as is evidenced in areas of Georgia named “peach” whether it be district or street name. The neighborhoods of Black People in the United States were, and still are, separated by railroad tracks and there are countless historical references to “living across the tracks.” The term honky came about because the white boys, in search of sex with Black Women in the United States (often mere children) would come across the tracks after dark to rendezvous with the female. Given they were frightened, or spooked, they would not get out of the car as one of the brothers might tear him a new asshole or he’d come up missing. So, he honked his horn.
Thank you for another mind-expanding article. Your work is most appreciated.
You always teach me something I didn't know I didn't know. Thank you.