Thank you for another mind-expanding article. Your work is most appreciated.

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As are you.

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You always teach me something I didn't know I didn't know. Thank you.

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Congrats on Honey's visa.

Told 'ya.

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I'm sure you did, but my goldfish-like memory needs refreshing.

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I explained to you why H's visa would not be an issue. When, and if, I speak to you next I will refresh your memory. Further, fret not about any presumed goldfish memory because, as unlikely as that might be, were it so you would be among hundreds of millions of your kin.

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In response to an impertinent and mannerless question, my pastor (this was before I shed my serf mentality) assured me that the term Cracker referred to an oft-noted tendency of rural whites to pass gas loudly in public without excusing themselves or acknowledging the act in any way. At that particular potluck, I was the only white slice among many loaves of whole grain, all of whom would have loved it if I had managed to crack one off right then.

But I dasn’t, Marse. I dasn’t, no sah.

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You, Sir, are incorrigible and beyond redemption.

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Once again, your content is so overwhelming that it’s taken a long time to comment. I also read your post on Blacksulting which ends with “self, why don’t these Black People in the United States just get over it?” The only immediate response to that needs to be, “we will when you own your shit.” I know that won’t happen in my lifetime and I don’t believe the United States can acknowledge its history. I don’t mean the crap I was taught at my all-white school, but actual history, which isn’t difficult to find for those who are sincerely interested.

After reading your entire post I hesitate to say it but it’s just a statement of fact and not bragging. I used none of those words because I learned early on from my father that they were disrespectful. That was my good fortune, especially spending so much time around so many assholes throughout my 85 years and especially during my eight years in the National Guard in Florida.

I believe you may be right about losing some readers, because there are still so many who simply can’t even consider owning their shit. It’s easier to walk away and refuse to hear it. Thanks for always reminding me of how things are and have always been in the United States.

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Men of your intellect don't need reminding, B.B.

It's the others that chafe me skull.

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awsome read

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Thanks, D.J.

I really appreciate your appreciation.

It tells me a lot about y-o-u.

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And to return to Alkebulan of yore the white men who began to move into the continent's depths were quite spooked. They wanted to possess the continent but were fearful. Those who lived there were of course unspooked but they became to resent the white man's manifest attempt to annihilate their lands, their culture and their lives. Outnumbered and oversuperiorized they transposed a cowardly fetchitness upon Africans to tell each other (the E-A's) it was not they that were spooked by the Alkebulan shadows and people but the Alkebulans who were afraid of them to encourage each other in their desire to exploit (can we use rape,because raping land and raping women are purposely the same to prove one isn't the coward that one is).

Why,please explain, would the Alkebulans have been spooked or afraid of their own homeland? Of course the E-A's were the ones who were spooked. And while I know your history of the word "spook" and it's development is correct, the white man; or anyone who feels he is superior is the most supremely spooked soul and he lives only by transposing his fears onto others and trying to make others fear him. The Nordic/Dutch spooc/spoocke/spok/spjok/spøg is the ghost of the long darkness and the appearance of the stranger with an approaching that intensified an heightened alertness against approaching danger--that of course became the ghost and its association with light not darkness.

The sad ending to the tale is; they frequently succeeded, and the more fear or spooked one becomes,the more superior he needs to feel.


And while I don't really care for the Fetchit character (was Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry really his name?) I find Perry's portrayal a mockery of those very people who think he is the actual "black American personality" while he is spitting in those very white faces who don't even realize he is really making fun of them and their caricaturization of what their own white fears wanted Alkebulan people to be. Crack the whip to make them jump but without the whip to crack the honky (honkey?) is afraid to get out of the car and can only honk...about his superiority.

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Heh, heh.

Cicero said: "The slave dreams not of freedom, but the TRUE slave desires a slave to call his own."

Which makes the European the most enslaved creature on Earth.

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I was unfamiliar with the quote, but ah? yes, of course, the need to...is always because one is enslaved to the need. The perceived liberation from this enslavement requires the misconception to one's self that one has not become enslaved to one's need and that means one has to convince others he is superior to his own cowardice, and, therefore superior to them.

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Very, very informative article...I especially appreciated learning the origins of "spook", "cracker," and "honky," which I had never known before. By the way, the picture in the article is not Stephin Fetchit, but "Sunshine" Sammy Morrison, one of the earliest Our Gang comedy members and one of the East Side Kids.

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"..the picture in the article is not Stephin Fetchit, but "Sunshine" Sammy Morrison, one of the earliest Our Gang comedy members."

I am very well aware of the origins of the image and, further, do not see where I stated that that was an image of the original Stepin Fetchit.

My intent was to illustrate that the distinction is not a difference. and I thank you for the validation.

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