In 1994, there was a major earthquake in Southern California known as the Northridge Earthquake. It was a major event that killed a number of people. At that time, I lived in an affluent enclave of Ventura County called Newbury Park. A hilly area surrounded by hills to the north, south, east and the ocean to the west. The topography lends itself to brushfires and a few months before the quake, we had devastating brush fires in the area that destroyed dozens and dozens of homes.
Two years before that, I lived in a suburb of Los Angeles and we had the civil unrest due to the ever-present police misconduct that is a trademark of the United States apartheid police-y. Though many that knew no better attributed the “unrest” to the “Rodney King beating” that is, and was, a false narrative. Rodney King was an explosion but the fuse had already been lit. Once Dead: The Fuse
My point is that it was a hell of a 24 month period. So much so I was expecting massive swarms of locusts to signal the rapture as described in Revelation 9:1-11. Shortly after the Northridge Quake, there were no locusts, but there were wasps, yellow jacketed ones, everywhere. On a beautiful and uncharacteristically hot day for early spring (close to my birthday), I had left my office and returned home on what we call “Friday early.”
I sat in the driveway for awhile on my cellphone speaking to my wife. Cellphones at that time were the size of shoeboxes and you had to be somebody to have one. Just as the call ended, and for reasons I will never understand, three or four wasps managed to get into the vent at the bottom of the sleeve(s) of my dress shirt. They tore me a new asshole. I mean they stung repeatedly. In all of the summers I had spent in Kansas as a child around wasps I had never been stung. It would be in my native California where I would have the uplifting and excruciatingly painful experience. It was that day that I found out, in the E.R., that I was allergic to WASPS.
White Anglo Saxon Paternalism and The Harris Wasp Nest
There is not a day that goes by that I don’t find myself astonished at the arrogance and hubris of European-Americans. So arrogant that they feel that they can tell me how to think, how to feel, how vote and how to respond to a society that consistently, by its own metrics and statistics, disrespects those that look like me. The supremacist aspects come in when they, without any frame of reference, say things like “you should be a uniter not a divider” or otherwise deny not only my life experience with them but their own history. Past and present.
Has a Black Man ever enslaved you? Kidnapped you? Taken your name, religions and culture? Has a Black Man in the United States ever lynched you? Raped your women wholesale for profit? Bombed your little girls in Sunday school? Made you work for free? Invaded the little “continent” of islands from which you originate and taken its resources (assuming it had any) by abject violence and force? Do you, in perpetuum, hear of police killings by Black police officers and other vigilantes of your people? Are you at the top of the heap in terms of every negative social metric in your society and at the bottom of every positive one? Then how in the hell do you have standing to dictate anything to me? This is your nature, and I exist to call you out on it and it would be the epitome of slave mentality and psychopathy for me to not do so.
Oh yes, I drank the Flavor-Aid, but I had sense enough to throw up after ingestion; period.
When I look at the past 16 years, there have been two nominees that were “persons of color” put forth as presidential candidates in the United States. Why all of a 250 year old sudden? Both nominees by Democrats, and in each case they were/are lighter skinned “persons of color” with Europeans as props and supplements to political propaganda. Barack Obama’s celebrated “white mother.” Kamala Harris’ white husband. I will spare further detail on this Oreo Factor, in general, for I have written on it in the past. Oreo Factor
What I wish to expound on today is the White Anglo Saxon Paternalistic, Massa boss, wasp nest that surrounds Kamala Harris and I am too experienced to believe in coincidences. Never does my ridicule and criticism from the European or the mentally enslaved come from a place of truth. My ridicule and criticism comes from the fact that I tell the truth; which validates the truth. Facts are never argued. They can’t be, they won’t be.
Since the “nomination” of the nobody-voted-for Kamala Harris, I have listened to one so-called “liberal” and “progressive” after the other refer to her as “a powerful Black Woman” or a “strong Black Woman.” Then they step all over themselves trying to navigate the narrow bowling alley as to whether she is a “woman of color” or “Black.” Breathtaking shit, from where I sit.
During this nauseating rhetorical crap, I have noticed that the word “proud” is never used in reference to Harris, or any other Black Woman in the United States (IF that is what she is). I have also noticed that neither word is used in reference to Black Men in the United States ever (powerful, strong let alone proud). Oh yeah ethnic European-American, I’m listening. You bet your bottom dollar I am.
As a father of three Black Women in the United States and the generational offspring of a plethora of them, let me inform your white ass that most, not all, Black Women in the United States are “powerful” and “strong.” My adopted sister Michelle would run rings around the average white woman. So would my grandmother, Lucille. So would my aunt Ann. So would my sister Donna. So would each and every one of my daughters.
You know why? Because for 500 years you have poisoned and culled the herd of Black Men. You have introduced chemical weapons to, humiliated, lynched, sodomized, incarcerated and murdered the Black Man so that Black Women could, and would, be dependent upon you and you do it to this very day. There are millions of Black Women across this apartheid nation that are raising sons and daughters alone because you, by design, have forced them to do so. The “strong” and “powerful” Black Woman is not the exception, she is the fucking rule.
How dare you.
Kamala Harris has no children of her own, but she has a white boy’s children. The white boy she is married to is also a European-American Jew. Listen to her acceptance speech and how many times she talked about “Israel’s right to defend itself.” I will never understand how, in their eyes, only white folks have “a right” to defend themselves and everyone else is supposed to grab their ankles in the face of their unmitigated violence and brutality. That, Scarlett, is the essence of white supremacy.
Harris was, in an Oreo Cookie inversion, the Vice-President of a white boy named Joe Biden that eulogized an “Exalted Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan and had the temerity to say to Black voters in 2020 “if you don’t vote for me, then you ain’t Black.” Even Kamala Harris called Biden out on his racism in the 2020 election debates. Then, the cherry on top of this White Anglo Saxon Paternalistic Sundae, is Tim Walz that Harris “chose” as a running mate. “Chose” my ass. And, after ducking any one-on-one interviews with the press since her “nomination” when she finally did one, guess what? Massa Boss was there with her to “oversee.”
So, we have this strong, powerful “woman of color” with nothing but white boys surrounding her. Would she be the nominee without them? Because I know nothing but strong and powerful Black Women and one of the things that makes them distinctively so, is that they don’t need white boys…girls either.
Better watch them WASPS, especially if allergic but, like me, you may not find out until after the stings.
I knew several STRONG POWERFUL black women who may have even loved me...they sure as hell never needed me.
With so many qualified Black Women out there, I don't understand why Harris isn't hiring at least some of them. Could it be that "equal opportunity" isn't her thing?