I knew several STRONG POWERFUL black women who may have even loved me...they sure as hell never needed me.

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With so many qualified Black Women out there, I don't understand why Harris isn't hiring at least some of them. Could it be that "equal opportunity" isn't her thing?

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Weird, ain't it. Yet par for the nauseating, paternalistic, white supremacist course. It's a variation of cops seeing two black men in a car (let alone three). Same funky shit, different smell.

We tell the truth here, mate.

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I can't even imagine what your life has been like. We're all better for you still being here and telling it as it is.

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You, Sir, are going to break my "like" button.

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"Uppity" white lady humbly submits that you are reaching for the play on words, here. Have White Anglo etc. actually stung you worse than most of their victims, because you happen to be allergic? Sorry. Now I have strung out the metaphor to logical, if ridiculous, terminus. I am not sure, though, that there is evidence that V.P. Harris, (or the Dem. Party) is failing to hire respectful representation of

African-descended personnel. On MSNBC I see (with gusto, on my part!) a rich parade of African-descended presented as experts and authorities, never mind mere opinion talking heads. Is there some magic number of actual campaign employees? Are you seriously being perfectionist that only another "black" female as running mate would be sufficient to prove, what??? I put "black" in quotes, because that seems inadequate at best to me, as some kind of respectful label. I got critiqued lately for using "African" in 1870's historical context, because y'all (per response claiming to know) were supposed to be known as "black" nowadays. I was trying to avoid 1870's usage!! But what is "negro?" Hello, that's "black" in Spanish. And forbidden "N.......r" is just "negro" with a little slur. So how is "black" such an honorarium? Seems you are somebody who can 'splain.

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