keep gerrymandering?

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I admit that CrowdStrike going down reminded me, with a shiver, of the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA reboot, and how all the newer ships that were networked together became sitting ducks when their security was breached en masse. Only the GALACTICA, an obsolete Battlestar deemed unfit to be part of the network, was able to fight back because its security wasn't compromised....

We're already starting to see how cyberwarfare can be used, thanks to Russia and the Ukraine using it against each other to shut down vital systems like military hardware, electricity, water treatment, even traffic lights. We've been watching for a while how governments will pay (or order) software companies not to patch specific vulnerabilities so THEY can get inside—under the laughable assumption that it's some form of "golden key" that only "The Good Guys" have!

The definition of "Good Guys" very much depends on who you are, and who you want to attack. I don't doubt for a second that Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin consider themselves "Good Guys" when it comes to protecting their vision of China or Russia, just like I don't doubt the NSA considers themselves "Good Guys" when it comes to domestic espionage. Don't even get me started on how not allowing vulnerabilities to be patched, or demanding a "backdoor" to software like Congress keeps doing, assumes that nobody ELSE will figure out that "backdoor" and use it for their own purposes.

I keep wondering if maybe, just maybe, "hardening" our security shouldn't include beefing up analog versions of vital systems so they can be reset manually a lot more easily than they are now. It would also be a *mitzvah* if the U.S. were to, I don't know, not act as if we own the planet and all the people on it—but I suspect that's a miracle too far....

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Great comment!

I am unable to disagree with one iota of it.

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Thanks for asking a question that the United States, and its citizens, can't answer "now", or "ever". Americans are in deep doo-doo, and can't extricate themselves from the quagmire that they find themselves in. It is ironic that Europeans stole the Chinese technology for gunpowder, and developed the science of ballistics. Now the Chinese have taken advantage of chip technology developed by the Europeans, and now possess the means to destroy its adversary (America) without firing a nuclear weapon or a single bullet. As BB King said in his song, "What you gonna do when the well runs dry, I'm going to sit right down and cry." I can see the tears, and I can hear the moaning and groaning. As my brother is prone to say, "The Europeans need to put their heads between their legs and kiss their ass goodbye." As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad predicted, "The Fall of America" has begun, and is now in full display before the entire world. Thank you for your accurate reporting of the truth.

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"Security software" that crashes the entire country can't've been a mistake.

I nominate "SCOTUS, POTUS or a dude named Otis" for Rhyme of the Month.

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