Hey Joe: It's Time to "Secide" and Don't Get High On Your Own Supply
I adore Jimi Hendrix for many reasons other than the obvious. The first tune of his I learned to play was "Hey Joe." My dad was named Joe, the song has a personal resonance for me no one knows.
I am non-partisan. I am a so-called “American” dissident. I believe, in fact I know, that the United States is built upon racism and particularly Anti-Blackism. Thusly, the society is the tumor built upon that cancer. As in all cancer patients, to eradicate the cancer means eradicating the metastasizing tumor.
Both duopolistic “parties” have one thing in common and that is that they both have consistently marginalized, brutalized and exploited my people (both Alkebulanian and Original American). Every single societal metric that exists verifies and substantiates both the assertion, and the fact. So, let us dispense with the equine caca for the purposes of this literary dialogue. Try to resist your white supremacist instincts and urges, or your sycophant servile negroid slave mentality, or whatever other parallel universe and alternate reality you are dis-eased with.
Just don’t do it. On the off chance you have such cognitive courage you will have learned something by the time you get to the end of this column. Be forewarned that it is hazardous for intellectually dishonest step-and-fetch-it lickspittles to be in these environs. Forewarned… is forearmed.
The Threat to Democracy
Antecedent notwithstanding, and for the sake of futile argument or time consuming and unsubstantial denialistic counterpoint, let us stretch out and presume that the United States is a “democracy.” I am adopting the pertness that you are reading this article because you are a thinking person. Thusly, you like to be intellectually touched as you enjoy a healthy examination of the sensorium and you are politically astute. Misguided and indoctrinated, possibly, but nonetheless astute.
The biggest, and most dangerous, problem that the United States has is that its populace is largely illiterate and, resultantly, does not read. That statistical fact (as bad as it is on its face) is now conjoined with the fact that no one knows what to believe. Very, very dangerous stuff, as we can clearly see before us.
“News” is not news, news is opinion. Subjective opinion predicated upon the source from which it emanates. The Republicans say the Democrats are fascists; the Democrats say the Republicans are fascists. The Democrats say the Republicans are racists; the Republicans say the Democrats are racists. The Republicans say that Democrats are a “threat to democracy” and the Democrats say the Republicans are a “threat to democracy.” Never does the “American” public demand a definition of terms because they are incapable of critical thought; and their politicians know it.
Ignorance is the goddamned “threat to democracy” on both duopolistic sides of the electoral fence.
I recall being on a redeye flight to Logan International with a really unsavory fellow many years ago. He was the typical mid-management, Machiavellian politicking, corporate obsequious type. Flying first class was likely the highlight of his overweight, miserable pasty-faced assed existence. He was seriously obnoxious and intoxicated to boot. I suffered this prick as best I could; my being a gentleman and all.
At some point, he decided to tell me a “dumb blonde” joke. Please forgive me for not quite remembering the entire thing, but I remember enough of it to make my point, here. It kind of went as follows: some blonde (I call them “yellow-haired”) woman enters a room. She is attractive and garners the attention of several men.
One of the men, not vastly different from the anal orifice that told me the joke, approaches her and she rebuffs him. However, he was most persistent and started to tell her “dumb blonde” jokes. Rightfully offended, and clearly quite intelligent, she asks the man a question. She asks the man “why do the droppings of rabbits look like little pellets, and the droppings of cows look like little brown cookies and the droppings of dogs look like little sausages?” The man was stymied and said he did not know. She then said to him: why, then, are you telling me about dumb blondes when you don’t know shit?”
I will acquiesce to being amused at the magnificent ironies all the way around.
I am writing this column as a tripling down on both my assertion, and prediction, that Joe Biden is gone. When I first made this assertion, I received some really awful responses. Really hateful stuff. Which was cool, but what took me aback was that it was coming from so-called “progressives.” Any one that knows anything about my political thought, as it were, knows that there are few things I despise more than Donald “Agent Orange” Trump.
Yet, of all the scathing pieces I have done on Trump, rarely has his ilk threatened and harassed me like the so called “progressives” have and they can progressively kiss my ass because Joe is through. If they had half a brain they would be pondering how in the hell these two ancient, babbling, doddering, unintelligent Jim Crow idiots are the best things they could come up with to lead their “democracy.” But they can’t because they “don’t know shit.”
And I don’t “cotton” to threats, of any type.
A few days ago, I was listening to a political pundit on the radio and someone made the comment that “I will vote for Joe Biden even if his brain is in a pickle jar.” And there are those on the other side of the party duopoly that say the same thing about Agent Orange. I mean, these people were at the Republican convention last Thursday crying when Trump recounted his assassination “attempt” whilst he, and they, DONNED maxi-pads on their right ears in a show of solidarity. Trumpons
Here this coward, five Vietnam deferments, craven pussy is with a maxi-pad on his ear like it is some Red Badge of Courage though he required no surgery, no significant medical intervention and didn’t receive a single stitch. He was not shot, he was slightly grazed. I have been shot: transfusion, GSW’s (yep, plural), projectile removal and some more “shit.” My Ear Is Near
The United States frightens me because its population is downright stupid and nothing frightens me like stupidity. I can handle ignorance for it be can cured with knowledge, but stupidity is terminal because it is not only willing ignorance it is blind, enlightenment be damned, steadfast ignorance. “And I’m proud to be an Ameri-Kan where at least I know I’m free” to be dumb as hell. I’m proud to be stupid, misinformed, disinformed and indoctrinated.
I guess that is why I am a dissident in the mold of Nat Turner, Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Samuel Clemens and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; all heroes of mine and may they rest in eternal peace.
Though I am non-partisan, I tend to “caucus with the Democrats” like Senator Bernie Sanders (the only legitimate Great White Hope there ever was as far as I am concerned). I want the Democrats to defeat Trump; taking the assumptive leap that I might take it as given that U.S. elections are not “rigged.” And that allegation has been made, once again, by both Democrats and Republicans (more confusion for the already confused). There is one overarching reason that I absolutely do not want to see a Trump presidency and I will not divulge it at this time.
The Democrats burying their electoral heads in the sand is only going to guarantee a Trump electoral coup. They are willing to vote for a dude pickled in a jar, the proverbial Head That Wouldn’t Die? Really? So they can end up with the other insane pickled bastard? Whilst they lose all manner of down ticket races? They are willing to hand this piggish, rapist, racist orange asshole the presidency and the legislature (he already has the judiciary)?
Some Democrats ought to be on the political equivalent of a suicide watch. But I think that the majority realize, bullshit loyalties notwithstanding, that Joe Biden is the pathway for a politically existential threat incarnated by the amorphous mass of orange nothingness known as Donald Trump (and don’t let me get started on J.D. Vance). The speech given by Trump 48 hours ago at the RNC Convention, showed me that he can be beat, I wouldn’t give a damn if he covers his head in maxi-pads akin to a fucking turban. But, Joe Biden will not beat him and, frankly, a lot of the reason why is the Democrats themselves by their bickering and disarray.
Let us presume that Joe Biden remains as nominee. Do you know the barrage that the Trump campaign is going to unleash? Having some training as a litigator, let me tell you what it might look like. Trump is going to say “he is so incompetent, even members of his own party did not want him as a candidate.” Or “he did so badly in the debate he claimed he had a cold, then a few weeks later his excuse was Covid.” Those proverbial bells can not be unrung.
What Trump is not ready for is something different. Joe Biden cannot withstand another debate in a hostile interrogatory environment. You can unsubscribe and send all the hate messages you want (and be careful) ‘cause I am the Schwartzgeist. I use Black Magic to peer into the future.
Feelings ain’t got nothing to do with combat baby, and you ought to be looking downrange.
When Nancy Pelosi said on The Morning Joe Show “it’s up to the president to “secide” that, Scarlett, was a Freudian slip if there ever was one. You’ll notice that the media was very hush-hush about it and the few that dared comment on it (of which I was the very first) said things like “Nancy was drunk again.” Pelosi wasn’t drunk worth a shit, she was thinking the words secede and decide. Period.
As Hendrix said:
Hey, Joe
Where you gonna run to now? Where you gonna run to?
Hey Joe, I said
Where you gonna run to now? Where you, where you gonna go?
Whenever I earn your praise, I know it is allowable for me to yell "Yahtzee!"
You ain’t wrong. I, too, would vote for him if his brain were in a pickle jar, as opposed to voting for Donnie. But that doesn’t mean I WANT that match up. Just that a brain in a pickle jar would be better than Donnie. Not that enough others would follow suit and defeat Donnie. Perhaps not enough people recognize the relative dangers involved, were that to be our option. Until he got COVID, I thought possibly Biden and Kamala together were not a terrible option, and they could be reaonsed with to do a decent job. Now, I think — especially after the Dems have continued to bicker while lunching on their own entrails — we’ve successfully erased enough support for Biden — howevver desrved or underserved, it’s gone — and we need another candidate. I’m pretty sure he won’t be abe to rally voters. I’ll be made as hell if we get to November assured of a disaster, but I’ll still vote Democratic at that time. The True Fascist option as laid out in Project 2025 is real.