
Whenever I earn your praise, I know it is allowable for me to yell "Yahtzee!"

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You ain’t wrong. I, too, would vote for him if his brain were in a pickle jar, as opposed to voting for Donnie. But that doesn’t mean I WANT that match up. Just that a brain in a pickle jar would be better than Donnie. Not that enough others would follow suit and defeat Donnie. Perhaps not enough people recognize the relative dangers involved, were that to be our option. Until he got COVID, I thought possibly Biden and Kamala together were not a terrible option, and they could be reaonsed with to do a decent job. Now, I think — especially after the Dems have continued to bicker while lunching on their own entrails — we’ve successfully erased enough support for Biden — howevver desrved or underserved, it’s gone — and we need another candidate. I’m pretty sure he won’t be abe to rally voters. I’ll be made as hell if we get to November assured of a disaster, but I’ll still vote Democratic at that time. The True Fascist option as laid out in Project 2025 is real.

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"lunching on their own entrails..."


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… and yet … 😣 …

All I can think to do is holller “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

It’s not helping.

{Please pardon the profanity on your thread. It’s all I got.}

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Jul 21Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

You said, somebody's gotta' say it! ~ Bravo I say, telling TRUTH.

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Yeah, perhaps...but woe be unto the unstupid.

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Jul 21Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Woe is me!, I know u meant "secede" 👈

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But, of course.

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Jul 21Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

"Feelings ain't got nothing to do with combat "

I may be using a different set of eyes, but I see what you see, down range.

I can only agree with this eloquent telling of the truth.

Well said.

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Jul 22Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

“nothing frightens me like stupidity”

Amen, hallelujah: Wisdom in the house.

Holding, as I do, views that used to be leftist when America had a Left, I have had a serious problem with paid actors pretending to be a squad of progressives, and with the usual Party Filth “leadership” pretending to be anti-racist and anti-war after decades of proving otherwise in office. ‘Transactional’ is an exquisitely correct and polite term for a crew that bathes publicly in Wall Street excreta, but I like your style.

So will the DNC choose to lose with Harris? Or will they crap on the shreds of their liberal creds and walk over her?

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Well, given that the United States has failed to put Harriet Tubman on currency (after promising it would), I really don't see a negroid, female as president given the white supremacist nature of the beast, literally. I am not as sure as I have been on other matters, but I think Harris is going to get the High Hat. Ergo, crappin' they'll be a doin'. IF they go with Harris they will have substituted one delusion with another.


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Thank you Kenyatta! You are the greatest!

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Without you, I don't exist.

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The decrying from the "ridin with Biden" crowd has shown that they really can't be trusted if things go south in this country. I would put money on them selling out any resistance groups they can if it means they don't see anything that makes them uneasy..

That being said.. with the news of Biden dropping out, the chaos from them is about to be straight comical.

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The REAL machination is going to be how to leap-frog Harris because she simply won't make it. Now, I have met Ms. Harris and she is entirely transactional and can be "bought off" so to speak; likely with an appointment to the SCOTUS. THAT is not the problem, the problem is the optics. And while the closet racists calling themselves "progressives" will outwardly talk about supporting Harris, they really do not. So, once again, the optics become a problem.

Stay tuned for Rise of the Milicons II (which will published later today) and I will expound further. Nonetheless, this shall be the political equivalent of a Shakespearean Tragedy and I wish the Democrats well because I sure as perdition don't want to see the carnage that will surely come with Agent Orange.

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We'll see who the moneyed interest trusts now that the credit card senator is out.

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