Ten Commandments Before November 5, 2024 Election
The ten things you'd best do before election day: A Public Service Announcement.
Last evening, and without warning, my hardwired/fiber optic internet service became inoperable. I thought it a hardware issue at first, but subsequent to trouble shooting the hardware I realized that was not the problem. Given my background and knowledge of the United States, I also keep a pay as you play hotspot. However, to log onto that service the internet is required. Deaf, dumb and blind, in one fell swoop.
Upon confirming that it was not a hardware malfunction, I called the company (a consortium of the rudest, most unprofessional idiots one might imagine). The barely-can-construct-a-sentence genius that finally responded (after an hour listening to music designed to be so awful you hang up) informed me “oh, we are doing maintenance and your service should be up by midnight.” It was daylight today before the service was restored.
All of this gave my idle mind plenty of time in the “devil’s workshop.” I began to recall what happened on “9-11.” How cell phone service was interrupted as well as ISP’s. Given that my mind tends to be the cognitive equivalent of a nuclear chain reaction (or meltdown, take your pick) I then started to think about the Covid craziness. The two women I witnessed fist fight over toilet paper in a grocery store. And, just so you know, they were European-American (white) women.
Two years ago, I warned the United States that “you are going to see soldiers in your streets.” The average “American” has no idea of what curfews (let alone martial law) looks like from a practical standpoint. I do.
Under martial law, particularly at dusk, you are going to see the military march down your streets and tell you on a loudspeaker, if you happen to be outside “get in your fucking house, right now!” That’s how it will go down; especially in Black neighborhoods. They will have SOS orders (shoot on sight) if you dare bat an eye. Understand that the soldier, no matter rank, has one job and one job only, and that is to follow orders. Period, paragraph.
On top of that, there are now robotic “dogs” that will attack predicated upon AI generated target acquisition. AI target acquisition heavily depends on facial recognition software. And, like everything else in an apartheid society, facial recognition software errs almost half the time when it comes to Black People in the United States (BPITUS). My daughter in her junior year as a Psychology undergraduate did a spectacular thesis on facial recognition software three years ago. I intend to reference it in my upcoming piece on “The long arm of the law.”
As my mind went down this memory lane rabbit-hole, I started thinking about the Northridge earthquake in 1994. We had just been burned out a few months before by fire. It was winter. It was cold. Electricity was out, for days. Water was non-potable, for days. Gas service…non-existent (both natural and petroleum), for days. I also thought of what had occurred just a few years before when “civil unrest” had soldiers and APC’s (armored personnel carriers) in Los Angeles.
“It can’t happen here?” For real? It already has happened here. Here became “here” because it happened. It’s been happening here and it is going to happen again, here. Those of you living in the predominantly European-American communities that may as well be Sleepy Hollow better take notice. Because this time “here” will be there, too. Of course, and by design, you will fare much better than those “others” but you are in for a rude awakening because what is likely to go down will not be contained by geography.
Oops, there I go again telling the truth; too damned stupid to keep my mouth shut.
Consider this a PSA (Public Service Announcement).
The 2024 Crapshow is less than three weeks away. I have stated many times in the past few months that it is baleful that only Donald Trump and Republicans are asked “will you honor the results of the election.” I have yet to hear or see that query posed to Democrats. Why is that? Both sides of the duopoly are setting up an epic electoral shitstorm.
The Ten Commandments
There is a chance that everyone will play nice, take what is left of their respective, and proverbial, marbles and go home. If you think so, I have some beautiful oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I suggest you jump on it (so to speak).
Commandment One: Understand that it is late fall with winter looming. No matter where you are, it will be cold. Learn how to make a fire, not only for warmth but cooking as well. Thusly, chop wood.
Commandment Two: If martial law is declared you may or may not have access to an abundant water supply. Thusly, carry water.
Commandment Three: Man’s (and woman’s) most pressing needs are food and shelter. If you have an infant stock up (for at least a week) on formula. Try to buy shelf stable foods and be able to sustain at least a week without being able to go outside of your home. Don’t forget the nutritional needs of your pets lest they be eaten by Black savages like yours truly.
Commandment Four: Prior to the election fill your car with petrol (even though you may not be able to drive it for a time) or fully charge your EV.
Commandment Five: Think about a lack of telecommunications. If you, like me, put food on your table with technology anticipate disruption and contemplate whatever safeguards you might manage.
Commandment Six: Make sure you have a terrestrial/shortwave radio. If internet connections die so will most of your news and information, misinformation and disinformation. Since most people in the country have internet service bundles, it may be your only means of crucial data. Make sure you have batteries for the damned thing.
Commandment Seven: Flashlights are critical. Understand that the world is aligned against the United States of Arrogance and the collective “West.” It is simply tired of its homicidal nature, colonialism, imperialism, racism, supremacist arrogance and, most importantly, is no longer afraid of its violence.
My point, here, is that the world is watching the domestic meltdown and the silence is deafening. One thing you learn in combat is what my father once told me “when he is down, you knock his dick in the dirt.” I had never heard my father speak that way and I will never forget the incident that made him say that to me. I see the GSW’s everyday so that I don’t forget.
In any event, an attack on the United States is imminent at some near future point. If I were the “enemy” given the domestic dysfunction I would wait for it to come to an apex and then attack. The power grid in the United States is nothing less than stone age by modern standards. A half-stoned hacker can take down parts of the power grid a thousand miles away with a laptop. Add that to the likely domestic chaos and you, matey, are in a world of hurt. Ergo, get sources of light and batteries to go with them.
Commandment Eight: Few people have landlines anymore (and that ain’t no coinkydink). Nonetheless, back up or take the time to write down phone numbers of significant others no matter where they are geographically.
Commandment Nine: It dawned on me that I cannot even buy groceries (reference man’s most pressing needs: food and shelter) without the internet. I cannot bank. I cannot receive payments. I cannot use an ATM and, thusly, cannot eat. Ergo, get some cash to keep on hand for at least a week (assuming your fiat currency is still viable).
Commandment Ten: I have made this commandment last for impact and obvious reasons. Have some means of protecting yourself, your property, your neighbors and your family. I will leave that, at that.
I am certain that you can think of other “commandments,” but I want you to not only think about them; you need to implement them. Indeed, it is a really sorry state of affairs to even be considering these matters resultant of “the peaceful transfer of power.” But that is where you are and you have no one else to blame but yourselves. Tough love notwithstanding, good luck to you all.
'Chop wood, carry water' are words to live by.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be in the US that week and hadn't thought about some of these precautions. As we used to say in one of my previous lives, 'Cash is king.' I'll be hittin' up the ATMs right after my Social Security check clears. Cheers.
I will be a mile off the road in the deep woods come election day. Through the winter if necessary.