'Chop wood, carry water' are words to live by.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be in the US that week and hadn't thought about some of these precautions. As we used to say in one of my previous lives, 'Cash is king.' I'll be hittin' up the ATMs right after my Social Security check clears. Cheers.

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I will be a mile off the road in the deep woods come election day. Through the winter if necessary.

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Smart man.

Cities...bad news if the shit hits the fan(atic).

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::“oh, we are doing maintenance and your service should be up by midnight.” It was daylight today before the service was restored.::

Ugh, and I thought Comcast/Xfinity was bad! We've had a lot of "Oh, we have an issue in your service area, should be fixed shortly" messages over the past month.... 🤬 The only good thing is my phone is with T/Mobile, so if I must I can use my phone as a hotspot...when it doesn't brick itself, as it's done at least twice in the past three months!

I hate that most service areas are either a monopoly or duopoly. Jersey City's technically got a half-dozen providers, but the way the area's divvied up I can only get HughesNet Satellite at a ripping 100 Mbps max, T/Mobile Mifi with 245 Mbps...or Xfinity ("They're Comcastic!").

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Oct 16
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Hey, I'm White!

Easy where you point that thing, Pal....

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I try not to delete comments from readers absent personal ad hominem attacks.

I suspect this is an intellectually deft readership that will police itself...and I will let it.

Nonetheless, there is something about this comment that I can't appreciate and it must go.

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Rohn, I have to say I was a bit...startled by his comment.

I wasn't going to start a flamewar in your comments page, though.

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If you had (and I know you can) it would have been fine. But it simply comes down to how I would feel had someone directed the same in reverse. Such sentiment could have passed muster had it been presented with more dexterous elocution. Ergo, it wasn't as much the content as it was the execution (so to speak).

Frankly, your response was far less intense than mine would have been.

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"Flamewar"? *Moi*? 😇

Honestly, after my initial "WTF?", I saw this as a situation I could de-escalate with humor rather than angrily wave my White Privilege around.

You know, White Privilege? It's like Trump's "Crowd Size"...? 😉 You got to admit, Barack Obama got off a good one there....

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His crowds are arguably larger than his "big hands."

Given that he says he now "sleeps with that thing (immigration chart from his alleged assassination)" I suspect his hands are doing Melania zero good.

The *LPC in full effect, methinks.

*Little Penis Club.

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