A Gun-Damned Assassin Nation, we are; as my trade union, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, I fear, is on the verge of endorsing the menace, reminding me of Weimar Germany's deluded business elite who assumed they could maintain "control" of and manipulate the silly fool.

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I had heard that about the Teamsters and said that can't be so.

Oh! How the mighty have fallen! As the societal race to the bottom is now propelled by its own inertia.

Thank you for the comment, your readership and insight.

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YES. and how many more young people that are angry will follow his example. As a retired 40 year veteran public school educator, I will guess, this 20 year old assassin is a product of the rotten US public system and policies.. However, Congress has attempted to change how the US supports natural/gestational/biological families.

Here is what I am writing about.

In 2018, Congress passed a law, H.R. 253 The Family First Prevention Services Act. It was to be fully implemented by the fall of 2020. Well...we know what 2020 brought the world: a pandemic.

HR 253, was to keep gestational families together, and bring in social workers, psychologist, et all, to help families of all income-levels and ethnicities, heal emotionally, physically, or both from traumatic experiences.

Research tells us that violent people are products of a poor public social system. For example, an infant separated from its gestational parent, between birth and age 3, is considered a traumatic event, so much so, that the separation can change how the brain (neurologically) interprets relationships. Check out the research from the Harvard Department of Child Development. And a reference book titled: Adopted Killers by Lori Carangelo, (430 persons, all adopted).

As of Tuesday July 16, no journalist has uncovered the childhood experiences of Trumps assassin...

How much should we bet...this 20 year old was fostered several times, before age 12.

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And there, you have it.

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If you wish peer reviewed research on this subject, read Chapters 2 and 5 in:

Trauma, Trust, and Academic Achievement: Stories Shared by High School Dropouts.

Vicci U Johnson Hamline University 2020.....CHAPTERS 2 and 5...

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Once Taiwan goes (along with a sizeable amount of the pacific fleet) the dominoes may fall fast.

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These people have no idea of what they are in for. I have just entered my sixth decade on this planet and in this "society." The United States has not seen a naval battle in some 80 years, decades before I was born. Any confrontation with China will be, principally, naval. The naval assets of China, North Korea, Russia and Iran (all of whom are militarily allied and aligned) dwarf those of the United States. Their military strategists understand that an aircraft carrier, and the battle group it necessitates, is a sitting duck. So, they have invested in submarines and smaller naval craft that moves rapidly and has drone platforming. Ignorance ain't bliss, it is suicide.

Once again, Scottie, you have beamed 'em up.

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::I was a defensive back (safety) so the defensive back coaches would isolate us and review the “film” (lord I am getting old).::

Old? I was probably the AV Nerd running the projector!

That's all I got right now. In thirty hours I have the pleasure of having a camera shoved up my ass, after a day of surviving on Jell-o (but no red!), broth, and water. I won't share what else I get to do in "prep" for this.... 🤢

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You know I am sending positive emanations your way DR.

And it probably was the AVN.

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For which I thank you, Rohn, from the bottom of my heart and colon.

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Being a post-Christian non-theist, I distrust assertions that can’t be disproven, and with them metaphysics in general. But there is one spiritual law that cannot be denied, as it demonstrates itself time and again, in lives large and small, in the history of our kind, and in the universe around us:

What goes around, comes around.

And buddy, have we ever got it coming.

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Satiricus, I can only SMH...back and forth, up and down and side to side.

That pretty much covers it.

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In America, I would like to point out, the only lions we have any acquaintance with (well my daughter worked for a year tracking and tagging mountain lions, but they are not actually lions) are the fear of people who like you.

Racist sounding or not, I find we teach about little black sambo only because he made lions into pancakes white folks could eat.

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