::When I reflect upon the presidential candidates in my lifetime, I am astounded at how these people become the best and brightest that the United States can proffer to lead it.::

You know that "the best and the brightest" means "the lowest common denominator of what a plurality of the American people can more-or-less support, after juggling the Electoral College's rigging the vote in favor of Rich White Male Property Owners", Rohn. The fact that Some Rancher in Montana with a TRUMP4EVER billboard on his property's vote counts for a lot more than yours and mine put together does, to say nothing of the Billionaire Casino Owner's or TechBro's, is an ugly reality most of us in *capite censi* have dealt with our entire lives.

These assholes are why we were given the "choice" of Fake-"Feminist" and Fake-Qualified Hillary Rodham Clinton versus Reality TeeVee Clown Donald Trump, the two worst candidates in history, in 2016. They were both so bad that Lifetime Party Hack Joe Biden looked good by comparison in 2020, and that he wasn't quite as horrible as I feared he'd be was such a relief that I was supporting him this year until he read the tea leaves and stepped aside for Kamala Harris.

I don't know what kind of a President Harris will be, but as a candidate I'm delighting in watching her HUMILIATE Trump on a daily basis, which only makes him humiliate himself even more! 😂 Still, we could've had President Bernie Sanders in 2016, only the "smart people" wouldn't let him.... 🤬

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Weirdopalooza, mate.


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Aug 17Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Hear me loudly not disagreeing with you.

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