homo sapiens evolved as a species that survived because it was a team.

and two former high school classmates deny he ever participated in any team sports that were mandatory. They claim they had to drag him from under the bed but by the time they had carried him to the field he had spoiled himself from his fear. I've never heard that about him being on the football team at Fordham, ain't a single shred of evidence in the Fordham records, that list Trump on their football roster; just as Trump doesn't appear on any of the Wharton graduation roles from his supposed years of attendance (he is on them now, retroactively installed). The only sport I find Trump ever played in his youth was throwing rocks at toddlers.

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"The only sport I find Trump ever played in his youth was throwing rocks at toddlers."

I trust, given my adoration for children, "God" (wherever she resides) will forgive me for laughing my ass off at that one.


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Your three questions for the debate were excellent choices. I don’t know if they were asked since I didn’t watch. There was no need. I already know who I would vote for if Trump’s opponent were a Ficus plant. I don’t doubt that we’ve had known criminals as president in the past, but I didn’t knowingly vote for them.

Your details about sports were interesting. My dad introduced me to his sport at age 12, work and that’s been it most of my life. I played a little tennis, racquetball, scuba diving, cross country motorcycling and trials competition, all short lived and always one on one.

I took my son to see Joe Namath play once but still have no interest in team sports. Reading your thoughts on sports, I wondered if I’ve been judged over the years for my lack of interest. Then I realized that was also of no interest. Maybe a team of two is the best I’m capable of.

What I enjoy most about your Substack is that the learning never ends. Thanks.

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Touche', my dearest elder brother...and I don't throw around the term "brother" for an infinite number of reasons.

My evaluation of the debate will be published shortly, might you have interest.

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Always. Looking forward to it.

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"You see, I have found that people that have never been on a team, don’t know how to be on one." is one of those truisms that I never thought about before yet instantly recognized as an 'I couldn't have said it any better.'

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