Oct 14Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

I had to look up the hot sugar juice, while knowing it would be horrific. Holy hell, that is a truly demented practice,as i can attest to the pain of even small amounts of molten sugar on exposed skin. I can only imagine if the Haitian, or any of the multitude of other carribean revolutions, were to happen today, the racist nations of the world be acting similarly to the current apartheid. It's just one long cycle of yt supremacy, propped up by the midst egregious offender, the United snakes.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

United Snakes!

Love it!

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Oct 16Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

This irony in particular I admired: "Black Men in the United States don’t own grocery stores, can’t get liquor licenses (for the most part), can’t acquire gun dealerships, disproportionately represent legal slaves by way of incarceration and have the shortest life expectancy than any other demographic. Yet somehow, through some unknown cosmic machination, voodoo or other Black Magic, he has the power to threaten your democracy?" I was "on the road" today with main channel on car radio the Hannity, et. al. wavelength, and they have a point about Obama "scolding" black men for being sexist. Wish I could remember who asked, who is going to call out white women? (Was it Charlemagne? Heard some of that too.) The MAGAs were bragging about white MARRIED women loving Trump. Need my own channel to expound on that....

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"Need my own channel to expound on that..."


Thanks for the comment.

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"Manhood is less an anatomical function that it is a spiritual one. It cannot be taught, it must be learned."

the quote of a lifetime, wow! And impotence is what most men have and the number of babies the man might father does not grant potency either. A man must become a man only when he realizes (learns) true potency is the action to not sacrifice one's mind and can keep one's dick in one's man unless requested to exhibit it.

The impotent man has no mind beyond the center of his body where he left his brain. I believe Kate Millett said that, or something to that effect.

And of course the impotent man fears the competition of other men, especially black men whom he would like to demolish from procreating. But why would he do that unless he knows he is often impotent in the face of black men who don't curtail. So he imprisons, humiliates, and demeans him to hopefully find Sowells and Thomas's and to a great extent Barack Obamas who sacrifices himself on the same altar of importance; and not trying to tell black men in N.C. how to vote, but damned if Mark Robinson isn't the most trained stereotype of the pet impotent white men want to project as the kind of obedient chimp to their dominance. He talks and mimics all the white jerks I've ever met.

I sit here stubbornly hoping the collapse Mr. Kenyatta speaks of does not occur---because my study of history doesn't bring about a better outcome, even though there is the occasional person shift in the authority.

But believe me, every page of history is a struggle to overthrow masters who value themselves so little they cannot value anyone else but eventually everyone wants to be valued, black men, white men and little green men and hey, Women as well.

But with minds shrouded by the testicles how do you indeed become a Man of value? The only way I see is to stop letting anyone belittle another; stop letting police killings occur--not after they happened. Gotcha now, while you're out demonstrating we can kill again.

Just don't let it occur when it is occurring and maybe things change without collapsing.

You can't be given liberty, freedom, democracy, you have to declare your Manhood or Womanhood and think with your mind and prevent subjugation not with the laws that haven't worked but with continuous active declarations.

But maybe that's hoping for too much from impotent emasculated men and women. But I just keep on hoping anyway, knowing I'm a fool to do so.

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"I wish that the world were governed by more women." Amen to that (and the rest).

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15Author

Well, considering one cannot fall off of the ground, a stolen nation in total socioeconomic meltdown and a world on the brink of nuclear war, I submit to you it is unlikely that anyone (or thing) can fuck things up more than you white boys have. Hell, at this point, rats, roaches, squirrels and ferrets would be an improvement.

With all due respect.

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Oct 15Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Yes to the squirrels and ferrets, but rats and roaches are too much like Republicans these days for me. Besides, I'm allergic to roaches—and I lived in NYC for 27 years, and moved right across the river from it last year!

I'm not...thrilled with Kamala Harris, but for now she's the pick of a bad lot. She's got enthusiasm and she's got Donald Trump running scared, which is more than Joe Biden ever had. As for how good a President she'll be? 🤷‍♂️

She's earned a chance from me by virtue of Not Being Donald Trump, which if she wins will mean he goes to prison for the rest of his miserable life where he fucking belongs! I strongly suspect we'll be lucky if we get the baby-steps progressivism Biden intermittently gave us (you know, "The Reincarnation of FDR!" BS the Dems kept spewing?) with maybe a LITTLE less racist baggage—

Stop laughing! Yeah, I said that about a woman eager to lock up pot smokers and Moms of truant children, who were overwhelmingly Black themselves. I guess it's all about my not feeling utter contempt and loathing for Harris that I feel for Hillary Rodham Clinton to this day (I look at Hillary's smug face showing up on people's Substacks now, and I'm like, "What is WRONG with you? That...woman is a fucking traitor who gave us 'President Donald Trump'!").

I wish I knew what to tell you other than what you already know—You have to do what you feel is right, because you can't trust anybody else.

Good to see you writing here again. I was starting to get worried....

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Oct 16Liked by Rohn Kenyatta

Hillary's pandering vote for "shock and awe" on Iraq permanently disqualified her for me. Because she knew what Hans Blix knew, and cynically calculated that a female couldn't look weak on war. I think my blood pressure is going up in the middle of the night all these years later.... Also, as a (long) retired Public Defender, any District Attorney would be presumptively on my "not" list. Harris is on a hell of a tightrope: conventional prosecutor; tough on crime, blah blah, but to run now I'm all compassionate and just want to help.... No wonder even the "target constituencies" are boggled.

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" ...and cynically calculated that a female couldn't look weak on war..."

THIS is one of the things that worries me most about Harris, especially given global unrest.

Since you were a P.D. I don't have to tell you about Black cops and women cops. They totally overcompensate to please Massa.

Oops, there I go telling the truth again. Too dumb to keep my trap shut.

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Yeah, I don't like that about Harris, either—but Bernie Sanders bowed out (partly because he's older than Biden OR Trump!), and AOC won't be old enough to run for at least another couple years...and the alternative is a senile Hitler wannabe propped up by Fascists and greedy Tech Bros.

After January 6th, I decided that anybody on the Left side of Hillary Rodham Clinton is better than Trump—because Hillary is just as corrupt, entitled and bad, only different. She's also stunningly, amazingly dislikable—like Leonard Shaw in THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, she's not difficult to like, she's *impossible* to like! Every time I hear some "Hillary Feminist" call me a misogynist because "I'm scared of strong women", I'm gobsmacked—Hillary's not "strong", she's *brittle*, and breaks every time things don't go her way.

I'm not getting that from Harris—whatever else, I think she's strong enough to bend, and smart enough to mock Trump where he's weakest, in his self-image. How she'll do as President, I guess we'll find out—I think one of the first things we need to challenge her on once she wins and is President is Biden's "no limits" support for Netanyahu.

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I fully agree (now that I know it's the royal you :-D )

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As a woman (perhaps overeducated) in balance, women are just as nasty as men in most eras and cultures. Don't put us on a pedestal! You don't want to learn about torture of captives being turned over to Native American women. Never mind.

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Hello Mr.Kenyatta, WOW what a Beautiful RANT! Excuse me while I put my Brain's back in my scull. I really appreciate and enjoy your writing, I really do, and If you don't mind, I'm going to be reStacking your piece right Now!!Thank You!

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Aw shux.

I am here trying to enlighten not only others, but myself as well; exercise in futility though it is.

You are too kind and, very much, appreciated.

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