Ohh my Goodness,Rohn?! It hurt so good to laugh out loud, Thank You, you are "Priceless" Thank You, will reStack ASAP 🙏

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I shall remain, forever and a day, at your service M'lady.

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I've heard you on the Thom Hartmann show for years now. I could hear your voice saying every word. Love it! Keep it up. I appreciate you.

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Ever seen a freckle faced Black Man in the United States blush?

Thank you for such a fine compliment, deserved, or not.😊

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Your wordplay evoked nauseating images but was surprisingly satisfying for my jaded soul :)

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Stop calling him President !

He’s SHITLER! Mein Krapp

And the Brown Shirts (BS)

Plus I Cancelled my AMAZON PRIME account.

My money is a pittance , not even a blip on Bozo’s screen , but it’s my pittance and it will not support the Reich!

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"This new fluid of which I speak is, well…spittle. Let me be even more succinct, it is the drooling saliva from every M.F. on planet Earth kissing his dirty, stinking, disgusting ass."

This rounds it out! 👈

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I see you took "You may quote me" quite literally, E.J.


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Yes Sir, every word..👈

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